Browsing by Author Gatt, Suzanne

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 73  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Adapting ibse material across Europe : experiences from the Pri-Sci-Net FP7 ProjectGatt, Suzanne; Byrne, Jenny; Rietdijk, Willeke; Tunnicliffe, Sue Dale; Kalaitsidaki, Marianna; Stavrou, Dimitris; Tsagliotis, Nektarios; Gaudiello, Ilaria; Zibetti, Elisabetta; Scheersoi, Annette; Papadouris, Nikos; Kramer, Philipp; Constantinou, C. P.; Papadouris, Nikos; Hadjigeorgiou, A.
2008-08Animals in the lives of young Maltese childrenTunnicliffe, Sue Dale; Gatt, Suzanne; Agius, Catherine; Pizzuto, Sue Anne
2007Aprendizaje entre iguales en ciencias naturales de educacion primaria : perspectivas teoricas y sus implicaciones para la practica en el aulaThurston, Allen; Topping, Keith J.; Kosack, Walter; Gatt, Suzanne; Marchal, Jean; Mestdagh, Nele; Schmeinck, Daniela; Sidor, W.; Donnert, K.; van de Keere, Kristof
2005The changing face of science education : preparing scientifically literate citizens of tomorrowGatt, Suzanne
2012The community as a resource to educate primary school childrenGatt, Suzanne; Armeni, Laura Sue
2005Constructivism 25 years on : its contribution, missed opportunities?Gatt, Suzanne
2012-08Creative little scientists : enabling creativity through science and mathematics in preschool and first years of primary educationGatt, Suzanne
2012Creative little scientists : enabling creativity through science and mathematics in preschool and first years of primary educationHavu-Nuutinen, Sari; Gatt, Suzanne
2013Creative little scientists : enabling creativity through science and mathematics in preschool and first years of primary educationStylianidou, Fani; Drossis, Dimitris; Clack, Jim; Cremin, Teresa; Craft, Anna; Compton, Ashley; Riley, Alison; Johnson, Jane; Havu-Nuutinen, Sari; Tahvanainen, Suvi; Devlieger, Kirsten; Van Houte, Hilde; Malheiro, Maria Teresa M. C. M.; Marques, Marta I. B.; Almeida, A. Mário L. F.; Machado, Paulo J. C.; Costa, Manuel F. M.; Sporea, Dan; Sporea, Adelina; Frappart, Sören; Megalakaki, Olga; Zafeiropoulos, Vasilis; Gatt, Suzanne; Mercieca, Sarah; Gatt, Isabelle; Scheersoi, Annette
2011Eco-innovation in MaltaGatt, Suzanne; Gatt, Kevin
2020-12Editorial [Malta Review of Educational Research, 14(2)]Gatt, Suzanne; Farrugia, Rosienne C.; Bonello, Charmaine
2013Educating practices at primary school level and new forms of positive welfare for familiesGatt, Suzanne; Armeni, Laura Sue
2017Empowering dyslexic students through mobilityAzzopardi, Andrei; Bilocca, Sasha; Falzon, Ruth; Farrugia, Valentina; Formosa, Mary Rose; Formosa, Michael; Gatt, Leah; Gatt, Suzanne; McAlister, Shaun; Mizzi, Kurt
2004Empowering primary teachers to teach scienceGatt, Suzanne
2013The EQAVET experience in Malta : using similar indicators for different sector and size of VET providerGatt, Suzanne; Magro Scerri, Maria; Faurschou, Kim; Feliciano, Sandra; Tannhauser, Anne-Christin
2012European integration in education of the EQF and National Qualifications Frameworks : challenges and achievements by MaltaGatt, Suzanne; Cippitani, Roberto
2007Evaluation report of project REACH coordinated by ACCESSGatt, Suzanne
1999-12An example of Newton's Third Law of MotionGatt, Suzanne
2021Exploring the influence of COVID-19 on initial teacher education in Malta : student participation in higher educationBonello, Charmaine; Deguara, Josephine; Camilleri, Rosienne; Gatt, Suzanne; Muscat, Tania; Milton, Josephine; Said, Lara; Spiteri, Jane
2006FeedbackPortelli, Terence; Gatt, Suzanne