Browsing by Author Gołębiowska, Anna

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Effectiveness, efficiency and legality of operations in the management of public administration in the area of public securityGołębiowska, Anna; Przychocka, Iwona
2022Europeanization of law in Poland and ensuring information security as a task of public administrationGołębiowska, Anna
2021The key security problems related to the pro-environmental economic transformation and the implementation of the principles of sustainable development into the economyJakubczak, Weronika; Gołębiowska, Anna; Prokopowicz, Dariusz; Jakubczak, Ryszard
2023Legal and management aspects relating to safety energy in local government entitiesGołębiowska, Anna; Przychocka, Iwona; Milewski, Leonard
2021The legal and security aspects of ICT and industry 4.0 importance for financial industry 4.0 developmentJakubczak, Weronika; Gołębiowska, Anna; Prokopowicz, Dariusz
2024Local government in Switzerland in the light of the constitutional principle of separation of powersGołębiowska, Anna; Jakubowska, Agnieszka
2021The post-pandemic development of the green circular economy and the declarations made during the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) as security determinantsGołębiowska, Anna; Jakubczak, Weronika; Prokopowicz, Dariusz; Jakubczak, Ryszard
2024A state of emergency as a protection of the constitutional system of the state, the security of citizens and public orderGołębiowska, Anna; Bartkowski, Marcin
2024State of natural disaster as an instrument for protecting public safety and orderGołębiowska, Anna; Kuźnicka, Izabela