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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1985-06-20Chamber music concert by the School of Music students (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Johann Strauss School of Music; Agius, Marcelline; Azzopardi, Luke; Bajada Abram, Josette; Baker, Edward; Curmi, George; Degabriele, Ivan; Piscopo, Maria; Spiteri, Sarah; Sultana, Tanja; Sultana, Victoria
1978-10-25Malta muzikali 1978 (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Johann Strauss School of Music; Malta. Ministry for Labour, Welfare and Culture; Turner, Cynthia; Campbell Murdoch, A.; Furber, M. L.; Magri, Joseph; Zammit, Stephen; Gouder, Giovanni; Laus, Michael; Xuereb, Vanni; Attard, Stephen; Brincat, Mary Anne; Moran, Carmen; Gauci Tabone, Miriam; Galea, John; Causon, Karl; Borg, Emmanuel; Magri, Josette; Azzopardi di Lello, Roger; Vella, Nathalie; Bartolo, Marcelle Francoise; Zammit, Silvio; Felice, Mario; Spagnol, Emmanuel; Micallef, Mario
1979-05Mini-Musical 1979 (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Johann Strauss School of Music; Malta. Ministry of Education. Department of Education. Music Section; Ellul, Alfie; Borg, Doris R.; Briffa, C.; Sultana, John; Sammut, Frans; Camilleri, Henry; Pisani, Ġorġ; Sultana, Rita; Scerri, Godwin; Vella, Joseph
1980-05Mini-Musical 1980 (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Youth Service Section. Department of Education. Music Section; Johann Strauss School of Music; Hurd, Michael; Ellul, A.; Zammit, Anna Maria; Barbieri, Moira; Camilleri, Maria; Farrugia, M'Rose; Sultana, Rita; Bonnici, Anthony; Sultana, John; Vella, Joseph
1976-04-26Orchestral concert by the chamber orchestra of the School of Music (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Johann Strauss School of Music; Maschat, Alexander; Maschat Danneberg, Sventha; Kraschl, Heinz
1979-02-22Orchestral concert by the School of Music (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Malta. Ministry of Education; Johann Strauss School of Music; Bisazza, Mario; Spagnol, Emanuel; Zammit, Stephen; Zammit, Silvio; Xuereb, Vanni; Laus, Michael
1981-05-03Orchestral concert by the School of Music Orchestra (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Johann Strauss School of Music; Buhagiar, Dion; Laus, Michael; Felice, Mario; Galdes, Antonia
1985-04-25Orchestral concert by the School of Music Orchestra (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Johann Strauss School of Music; Bisazza, Mario; Curmi, George; Agius, Marcelline; Piscopo, Maria; Azzopardi, Luke
1986-06-19Orchestral concert by the School of Music. Orchestra (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Johann Strauss School of Music; Bisazza, Mario; Frendo, Antonio; Zammit, Stephen; Curmi, George; Agius, Marcelline; Spiteri, Sarah
1978-04-24A student concert (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Johann Strauss School of Music; Bisazza, Mario; Galea, Joseph; Borg, Jennifer; Refalo, Michelle; Moran, Myriam; Barbieri, Moira