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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014-02-05Adapting for change - from mass to niche? Barriers to alternative tourism? A case study from MaltaJones, Andrew
2011-02-08Blending the past with the future - a future for Wales’ industrial past - lame duck or cultural tourism asset?Jones, Andrew
2017-07-01Case study Malta : climate change and tourism : risks, hazards and resilience - an island perspectiveJones, Andrew; Phillips, Mike; Jones, Andrew
2009-02-10Climate change : impacts on UK coastal tourism destinations reflections, responses and repercussionsJones, Andrew
2018Climate change coastal management and acceptable risk : consequences for tourismPhillips, Michael Robert; Jones, Andrew; Thomas, Tony
2016-10-02Coastal tourism and climate change : island implicationsJones, Andrew
2017-07-01Coastal tourism and climate change : the current narrative and discourseJones, Andrew; Phillips, Mike; Jones, Andrew
2010-02-08Creating new tourism destinations : success and failure for developing sustainable niche tourism markets : a case study of WalesJones, Andrew
2006Cultural regeneration : developing a paradigm for urban waterfrontsJones, Andrew
2017-05-01Developing community based tours for greater stakeholder benefit and commitmentJones, Andrew; Zarb, Julian
2014-10-21Developing stakeholder markets for social tourism : key challenges for education and training : a European case studyJones, Andrew; Theuma, Nadia; Azzopardi, Sarah; Avellino, Marie
2011-07-02Disappearing destinations : consequences of climate change : contemporary responses for adapting to change at tourism destinationsJones, Andrew
2011-12-01Disappearing destinations : current issues challenges and polemicsJones, Andrew; Phillips, Mike
2011-12-01Disappearing destinations : recognising problems, meeting expectations, delivering solutionsJones, Andrew; Phillips, Mike
2015-12Economic and labour market implications of climate change on the tourism sector of the Maltese IslandsJones, Andrew
2006-06-27Erosion and tourism infrastructure in the coastal zone : problems, consequences and managementPhillips, Mike; Jones, Andrew
2013-11-06Event legacies - changing destination perspectives : a case study of the the Rolex Middlesea RaceNavarro, Caroline; Jones, Andrew
2010-09-01Flogging a dead horse or creating cultural capacity? The development and impact of mines as alternative tourist destinations : a case study of South Wales, UKJones, Andrew; Flynn, Kathryn; Flynn, Kathryn
2014-12-01Global environmental change and small island states and territories : economic and labour market implications of climate change on the tourism sector of the Maltese IslandsJones, Andrew
2018Hospitality, tourism and global education - Asia : a transnational conundrum? Current thoughts and anecdotesJones, Andrew