Browsing by Author Marrone, Federico

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019DNA taxonomy confirms the identity of the widely-disjunct Mediterranean and Atlantic populations of the Tufted Ghost Crab Ocypode cursor (Crustacea : Decapoda : Ocypodidae)Vecchioni, Luca; Marrone, Federico; Deidun, Alan; Adepo-Gourene, Béatrice; Froglia, Carlo; Sciberras, Arnold; Bariche, Michel; Çiçek, Burak Ali; Foka-Corsini, Maria; Arculeo, Marco
2020DNA taxonomy of the potamid freshwater crabs from Northern Africa (Decapoda, Potamidae)Marrone, Federico; Vecchioni, Luca; Deidun, Alan; Mabrouki, Youness; Arab, Abdeslem; Arculeo, Marco
2017The late Pleistocene origin of the Italian and Maltese populations of Potamon fluviatile (Malacostraca : Decapoda) : insights from an expanded sampling of molecular dataVecchioni, Luca; Deidun, Alan; Sciberras, Jeffrey; Marrone, Federico; Arculeo, Marco
2025Molecular data confirm the occurrence of the allochthonous gambusia holbrooki (Pisces : poeciliidae) in Sicily and the Maltese archipelagoVecchioni, Luca; Liuzzo, Mirko; Sciberras, Arnold; Sciberras, Jeffrey; Formosa, Justin; Deidun, Alan; Giacalone, Gabriele; Arizza, Vincenzo; Arculeo, Marco; Marrone, Federico; Faraone, Francesco Paolo
2017Molecular evidences confirm a late Pleistocene origin of the Italian and Maltese populations of the freshwater crab, Potamon fluviatile (Herbst, 1785) (Malacostraca, Decapoda)Vecchioni, Luca; Deidun, Alan; Marrone, Federico; Arculeo, Marco
2011Morphological variability in and distributional data on Phaleria bimaculata populations from islands of the Central Mediterranean areaDeidun, Alan; Marrone, Federico; Sparacio, Ignazio; Arculeo, Marco; Curatolo, Tiziana; Sciberras, Arnold; Sciberras, Jeffrey; Brutto, Sabrina Lo
2014Species identification of the psammophilous tenebrionid beetles Phaleria acuminata Kuster, 1852 and Phaleria bimaculata (Linnaeus, 1767) from Central Mediterranean beaches : geometric morphometrics and molecular insights from species to population levelMarrone, Federico; Deidun, Alan; Curatolo, Tiziana; Arculeo, Marco; Brutto, Sabrina Lo