Browsing by Author Mifsud, Justin Lee

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Cardiovascular risk factors among first-degree relatives of patients with premature cardiovascular disease in Malta. Baseline findings from the CRISO projectMifsud, Justin Lee; Galea, Joseph
2021Coronary risk reduction intervention for siblings and offspring of patients with premature coronary heart disease : the CRISO study protocol for a randomised controlled pilot studyMifsud, Justin Lee; Stephenson, John; Astin, Felicity; Galea, Joseph
2024The impact of air pollution on atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease developmentTewma, Clayton; Mifsud, Justin Lee
2021Improving the lifestyle and heart health of siblings and offspring of patients who had a heart attack before the age of 55 in men or the age of 65 in womenMifsud, Justin Lee
2007Keeping healthy and active in old age : a survey carried out in a residential homeMifsud, Justin Lee
2021Motivational interviewing and outcomes in primary preventive cardiologyMifsud, Justin Lee; Galea, Joseph
2020Motivational interviewing to support modifiable risk factor change in individuals at increased risk of cardiovascular disease : a systematic review and meta-analysisMifsud, Justin Lee; Galea, Joseph; Garside, Joanne; Stephenson, John; Astin, Felicity
2017-10The PACI survey : patient adherence to cardioprotective lifestyle interventions in myocardial infarction patients treated with primary percutaneous coronary interventionMifsud, Justin Lee
2020Preventing coronary heart disease by studying potential risk groupsMifsud, Justin Lee