Browsing by Author O’Leary, John J.

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Could MicroRNAs be useful tools to improve the diagnosis and treatment of rare gynecological cancers? A brief overviewDi Fiore, Riccardo; Suleiman, Sherif; Pentimalli, Francesca; O’Toole, Sharon A.; O’Leary, John J.; Ward, Mark P.; Conlon, Neil T.; Sabol, Maja; Ozretić, Petar; Erson-Bensan, Ayse Elif; Reed, Nicholas; Giordano, Antonio; Simon Herrington, C.; Calleja-Agius, Jean
2021Epithelioid trophoblastic tumour : a case with genetic linkage to a child born over seventeen years prior, successfully treated with surgery and pembrolizumabPisani, David; Calleja-Agius, Jean; Di Fiore, Riccardo; O’Leary, John J.; Beirne, James P.; O’Toole, Sharon A.; Felix, Ana; Said-Huntingford, Ian
2021LncRNA MORT (ZNF667-AS1) in cancer — is there a possible role in gynecological malignancies?Di Fiore, Riccardo; Suleiman, Sherif; Drago-Ferrante, Rosa; Felix, Ana; O’Toole, Sharon A.; O’Leary, John J.; Ward, Mark P.; Beirne, James P.; Yordanov, Angel; Vasileva-Slaveva, Mariela; Subbannayya, Yashwanth; Pentimalli, Francesca; Giordano, Antonio; Calleja-Agius, Jean
2021An overview of the role of long non-coding RNAs in human choriocarcinomaDi Fiore, Riccardo; Suleiman, Sherif; Felix, Ana; O’Toole, Sharon A.; O’Leary, John J.; Ward, Mark P.; Beirne, James P.; Sabol, Maja; Ozretić, Petar; Yordanov, Angel; Vasileva-Slaveva, Mariela; Kostov, Stoyan; Nikolova, Margarita; Said-Huntingford, Ian; Ayers, Duncan; Ellul, Bridget; Pentimalli, Francesca; Giordano, Antonio; Calleja-Agius, Jean