Browsing by Author Pisani, Maria

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 43  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Addressing the ‘citizenship assumption’ in critical pedagogy : exploring the case of rejected female sub-Saharan African asylum seekers in MaltaPisani, Maria
2013The asylum process and possibilities for a transformative pedagogy : exploring the case of Sub-Saharan African female asylum seekers in MaltaPisani, Maria
2018Between insecurity and hope : reflections on youth work with young refugeesPisani, Maria; Basarab, Tanya; Bello, Barbara Giovanna; Laine, Sofia
2014Blessed is he who considers the human rights paradigm : Maltese aid between charity and human rights and between Catholicism and SecularismCalleja-Ragonesi, Isabelle; Khakee, Anna; Pisani, Maria
2022Children in limbo : youth transitions among asylum seekers in Malta : exploring youth transitionsPisani, Maria; Farrugia, Lorleen
2019The contribution of youth work in the context of migration and refugee matters. A practical toolbox for youth workers and recommendations for policymakers : results of the expert group set up under the European Union work plan for youth for 2016-2018Cassart, Florence; De Vriendt, Isabelle; Cuypers, Silke; Wollaert, Sien; Gyurov, Yasen; Maskova, Zdenka; Bækgaard, Birgítte; Hauser, Alexander; Kütt, Stiina; Giannaki, Dora; Sola Barleycorn, Ignacio; Živković, Ivana; Horvat, Gorana; Presenti, Carlo; Stergiou, Charalambos; Gudakovska, Natalja; Karpaviciute, Ieva; Mineikaitė, Aurelija; Lankeliene, Ieva; Pisani, Maria; Jagersma, Nynke; Schick, Wolfgang; Zentner, Manfred; Folgado, Pedro; Zlatar, Franci; Hvastija, Barbara; Vysna, Martin; Andersson, Jenny; Basarab, Tanya; Georgescu, Mara; Henriques, Andreia; Geudens, Tony; Konstantinos Charonis, Giorgos; Beecroft, Stephanie; European Commission
2017Crossing the Mediterranean sea by boat : mapping and documenting migratory journeys and experiences, final project reportSquire, Vicki; Pisani, Maria; Dimitriadi, Angeliki; Stevens, Dallal; Vaughan-Williams, Nick; Perkowski, Nina
2022Disability and forced migration : critical connections and the global south debateGrech, Shaun; Pisani, Maria
2015Disability and forced migration : critical intersectionalitiesPisani, Maria; Grech, Shaun
2016Disability and forced migration : intersections and critical debatesPisani, Maria; Grech, Shaun; Mostafa, Ayman
2012The elephant in the room : a look at how policies impact the lives of female sub-Saharan African rejected asylum seekers living in MaltaPisani, Maria
2022Embracing super-diverse communities : ‘migrant inclusion’ on the Maltese policy agendaAzzopardi, Andrew; Pisani, Maria; Farrugia, Peter M.
2020The essence of dialoguePisani, Maria
2018Faculty for Social Wellbeing - Vlog #2 (Dr Maria Pisani)Pisani, Maria
2012Female asylum seekers living in MaltaPisani, Maria
1954Il-Maghzula minn Alla (Theater script)Oratory of St. Domenico Savio (Birkirkara, Malta); Pellegrini, Vincenzo Maria; Pace, Carmelo; Pisani, Maria
2016“Illegal bodies” on the move – a critical look at forced migration towards social justice for young asylum-seekersPisani, Maria
2018Illegal young bodies and the failings of liberal democracy : some critical reflections on the European union’s ‘Refugee crisis’ and its implications for juvenile justicePisani, Maria
2017Illegalized young bodies - some reflections for youth work practicePisani, Maria
2012Immigrant and ethnic minority groups and housing in Malta - a research studyFsadni, Marika; Pisani, Maria