Browsing by Author Revolidis, Ioannis

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2025Article 14 DSM Directive 2019/works of visual art in the public domainRevolidis, Ioannis
2024Blockchain for democratic justice : innovating the service of judicial documents to uphold the rule of lawRevolidis, Ioannis; Ciantar, Marica; Ellul, Joshua
2024-04Blockchain-enabled virtual worlds [Report]Dionysopoulos, Lambis; Giaglis, George; Revolidis, Ioannis; Arribas, Ismael; Vasiliu-Feltes, Ingrid; Mores, Inigo; Slapnik, Tadej; Lanotte, Antonio
2025Boosting digital finance and the digital single market? an overview of the rules on the offering of crypto-assets according to the markets in crypto-assets regulationRevolidis, Ioannis
2023Collective redress in environmental matters - a private international law perspective through the lens of the Dieselgate scandalRevolidis, Ioannis
2023Datenschutz, allgemeinDahi, Alan; Revolidis, Ioannis
2023Datenschutz, complianceDahi, Alan; Revolidis, Ioannis
2023Datenschutz, Rechte der betroffenen PersonenDahi, Alan; Revolidis, Ioannis
2023-10Decentralised social media [Report]Livitckaia, Kristina; Papoutsoglou, Iordanis; Votis, Konstantinos; Revolidis, Ioannis; Ellul, Joshua; Ferreira da Silva, Catarina; Szegö, Daniel; Joshi, Amit
2022From eDate to Gtflix : reflections on CJEU case law on digital torts under Art. 7(2) of the Brussels Ia regulation, and how to move forwardSvantesson, Dan Jerker B.; Revolidis, Ioannis
2024Generative AI content misuse and the DSARevolidis, Ioannis
2024-05Intellectual property management [Report]Damvakeraki, Tonia; Ferreira da Silva, Catarina; Gonzalez Miranda, Sergio; Revolidis, Ioannis; Szego, Daniel
2023International Journal of Law in Changing World - special issue : NFTs and the legal landscapeRevolidis, Ioannis; Gromova, Elizaveta; Brantes Ferreira, Daniel
2023International jurisdiction over online copyright infringements - perspectives and outlooksRevolidis, Ioannis
2023Introduction on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on human rightsRevolidis, Ioannis
2023Malta [National report on the Maltese rules on international jurisdiction]Revolidis, Ioannis
2024Non-fungible tokens (NFTs), smart contracts and contracts : the need for legal and technology assurancesEllul, Joshua; Revolidis, Ioannis
2024Nutzung einer Blockchain im data warehouseRevolidis, Ioannis
2022On arrogance and drunkenness - a primer on international jurisdiction and the blockchainRevolidis, Ioannis
2023Recognition and enforcement of non-EU foreign judgements in MaltaRevolidis, Ioannis