Browsing by Author Romeo, Teresa

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Assessing shipping-mediated impacts and environmental quality within the Grand Harbour, Valletta (Maltese Islands, Central Mediterranean)Romeo, Teresa; Alessandro, Michela D.; Giuliani, Silvia; Deidun, Alan; Mazzola, Angelo; Consoli, Pierpaolo; Martino, Andrea; Esposito, Valentina; Vivona, P.; Macchia, Simona; Sartori, Davide; Valastro, G.; Andaloro, Franco
2016Assessing the potential of Suez Canal shipping traffic as an invasion pathway for non-indigenous species in Central Mediterranean harboursDeidun, Alan; Andaloro, Franco; Berti, Claudio; Consoli, Pierpaolo; D'Alessandro, Michela; Esposito, Valentina; Scotti, Gianfranco; Galofaro, G.; Romeo, Teresa; Agius, Karl David
2015Biomonitoring of the environmental contamination by organotins in the Gulf of Tunis : occurrence of imposex in Stramonita haemastoma (Linnaeus, 1767)Boulajfene, Wafa; Boukhicha, Jihen; Deidun, Alan; Berto, Daniela; Romeo, Teresa; Ben Hassine, Oum Kalthoum; Tlig-Zouari, Sabiha
2012Environmental impact assessment considerations on a proposed offshore wind farm in the Maltese Islands (Central Mediterranean)Deidun, Alan; Romeo, Teresa
2015Environmental quality assessment of Grand Harbour (Valletta, Maltese Islands) : a case study of a busy harbour in the Central Mediterranean SeaRomeo, Teresa; Alessandro, Michela D.; Esposito, Valentina; Scotti, Gianfranco; Berto, Daniela; Formalewicz, Malgorzata; Noventa, Seta; Giuliani, Silvia; Macchia, Simona; Sartori, Davide; Mazzola, Angelo; Andaloro, Franco; Giacobbe, Salvatore; Deidun, Alan; Renzi, Monia
2014First characterisation of a Leiopathes glaberrima (Cnidaria : Anthozoa : Antipatharia) forest in Maltese exploited fishing groundsDeidun, Alan; Andaloro, Franco; Bavestrello, Giorgio; Canese, Simonepietro; Consoli, Pierpaolo; Micallef, Aaron; Romeo, Teresa; Bo, Marzia
2020The impact of marine litter from fish aggregation devices on vulnerable marine benthic habitats of the central Mediterranean SeaConsoli, Pierpaolo; Sinopoli, Mauro; Deidun, Alan; Canese, Simonepietro; Berti, Claudio; Andaloro, Franco; Romeo, Teresa
2014Study of the macrozoobenthic community within the Grand Harbour, Valletta, MaltaAlessandro, Michela D.; Andaloro, Franco; Deidun, Alan; Esposito, Valentina; Giacobbe, Salvatore; Romeo, Teresa