Browsing by Author Spiteri, Sarah

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Balancing the interests of the coastal state and the laying state : an examination of the right to lay submarine cables and pipelines in the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the SeaSpiteri, Sarah
2016Censoring creativity? : a sociological understanding of censorship on artistsSpiteri, Sarah
1985-06-20Chamber music concert by the School of Music students (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Johann Strauss School of Music; Agius, Marcelline; Azzopardi, Luke; Bajada Abram, Josette; Baker, Edward; Curmi, George; Degabriele, Ivan; Piscopo, Maria; Spiteri, Sarah; Sultana, Tanja; Sultana, Victoria
2019Engagement of physical activity outside school hours of ten to eleven-year old Maltese childrenSpiteri, Sarah
1986-06-23Exhibition of the works and career of Carmelo Pace on his 80th birthday (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Cathedral Museum; Pace, Carmelo; Lauri, Stephanie; Psaila, Rita; Attard, Monica; Bondin, Mary Rose; De Gabriele, Helen; Lauri, Carmine; Spiteri, Sarah; Zammit, Stephen; Gauci, Catherine; Azzopardi Caffari, Ronald; Micallef, Arnold; Attard, Lino; Vassallo, Marie Thérèse; Vella Bondin, Joe; Huber, Joe; Bajada Abram, Phyllis; Cefai, Brian; Azzopardi, John
2022-10-14Laudate DominumSt Paul Choral Society; Spiteri, Sarah
1986-06-19Orchestral concert by the School of Music. Orchestra (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Johann Strauss School of Music; Bisazza, Mario; Frendo, Antonio; Zammit, Stephen; Curmi, George; Agius, Marcelline; Spiteri, Sarah
1986-11-24Windows on music (Programme)Manoel Theatre; University of Malta; Malta Tourism Authority; Azzopardi, Eric; Spiteri, Sarah; Mifsud, Sigmund; Conrad, Elisabeth; Pisani, Shawn