Browsing by Author Spiteri, Stephen C.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 59  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017The allure of fortifications : the many meanings and significance of the military architecture heritage in today’s worldSpiteri, Stephen C.
2003Armoury of the Knights : a study of the Palace Armoury, its collection, and the military storehouses of the Hospitaller Knights of the Order of St JohnSpiteri, Stephen C.
2007The art of fortress building in Hospitaller MaltaSpiteri, Stephen C.
2008The art of fortress building in Hospitaller MaltaSpiteri, Stephen C.
2024Arti : my land, my drawings - some nostalgic impressionsSpiteri, Stephen C.
2011Avec l’aide de l’Union Européenne, Malte restaure ses fortificationsSpiteri, Stephen C.
2018Bali de Souza's establishment of a Fondazione for the production and supply of bronze cannon for the Order of St John, 1770Spiteri, Stephen C.
2013[Book Review] Cities at War in Early Modern EuropeSpiteri, Stephen C.
1996British military architecture in MaltaSpiteri, Stephen C.
2019By gentlemen for gentlemen - ria coastal landforms and the fortified imprints of Valletta and its harboursSchembri, John A.; Spiteri, Stephen C.
2011Caponier unearthed in ditch of Vittoriosa FortificationsSpiteri, Stephen C.
2001Castellu di la ChitatiSpiteri, Stephen C.
2007The 'Castellu di la Chitati' : the medieval castle of the walled town of MdinaSpiteri, Stephen C.
2008The castles and fortresses of RhodesSpiteri, Stephen C.
2015The collection of fortification drawings and draughtsmanship in eighteenth century Hospitaller MaltaSpiteri, Stephen C.
2011A cubete artiflero at Mdina?Spiteri, Stephen C.
2007The development of the Bastion of Provence, Floriana LinesSpiteri, Stephen C.
2016D’Aleccio’s fortifications : faithful representation or artistic imagination?Spiteri, Stephen C.
2014Fort Manoel : une model de fortification fait avex soin : a study of the design and construction of an eighteenth-century bastioned fortSpiteri, Stephen C.
2008Fort St Rocco : the First British flankless fort in MaltaSpiteri, Stephen C.