Browsing by Author Srulovici, Einav

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024The European researchers’ network working on second victim (ERNST) policy statement on the second victim phenomenon for increasing patient safetyMira, Jose; Carillo, Irene; Tella, Susanna; Vanhaecht, Kris; Panella, Massimiliano; Seys, Deborah; Ungureanu, Marius-Ionut; Sousa, Paulo; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Vella Bonanno, Patricia; Popovici, Georgeta; Srulovici, Einav; Guerra-Paiva, Sofia; Knezevic, Bojana; Lorenzo, Susana; Lachman, Peter; Ushiro, Shin; Scott, Susan D.; Wu, Albert; Strametz, Reinhard
2024How different countries respond to adverse events whilst patients’ rights are protectedGil-Hernández, Eva; Carrillo, Irene; Tumelty, Mary-Elizabeth; Srulovici, Einav; Vanhaecht, Kris; Wallis, Katharine Ann; Giraldo, Priscila; Pilar Astier-Peña, María; Panella, Massimiliano; Guerra-Paiva, Sofia; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Seys, Deborah; Strametz, Reinhard; Mora, Asier Urruela; Joaquín Mira, José
2023Patient safety topics, especially the second victim phenomenon, are neglected in undergraduate medical and nursing curricula in Europe : an online observational studySánchez-García, Alicia; Saurín-Morán, Pedro José; Carrillo, Irene; Tella, Susanna; Põlluste, Kaja; Srulovici, Einav; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Mira, José Joaquín
2022Strategies for the psychological support of the healthcare workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic : the ERNST studyLópez-Pineda, Adriana; Carrillo, Irene; Mula, Aurora; Guerra-Paiva, Sofia; Strametz, Reinhard; Tella, Susanna; Vanhaecht, Kris; Panella, Massimiliano; Knezevic, Bojana; Ungureanu, Marius-Ionut; Srulovici, Einav; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Skoumalová, Ivana; Sousa, Paulo; Mira, Jose; Novo, Ahmed; Madarasova Geckova, Andrea; Ablöscher, Miriam; Tavel, Peter; Dieckmann, Peter; Polluste, Kaja; Michel, Philippe; Sigurgeirsdottir, Sigurbjorg; Tumelty, Mary; Jankauskiene, Augustina; Kostova, Neda Milevska; Jucov, Artiom; Wennekes, Rianne; Tschudi Bondevik, Gunnar; Kutryba, Basia; Stilinovic, Nebojša; Schwappach, David; Lindström, Veronica; Ayvat, Pinar; ERNST Consortium
2022Studies on the second victim phenomenon and other related topics in the pan-European environment : the experience of ERNST Consortium membersCarrillo, Irene; Tella, Susanna; Strametz, Reinhard; Vanhaecht, Kris; Panella, Massimiliano; Guerra-Paiva, Sofia; Knezevic, Bojana; Ungureanu, Marius-Ionut; Srulovici, Einav; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Sousa, Paulo; Mira, Jose
2020Supporting innovative person-centred care in financially constrained environments : the we care exploratory health laboratory evaluation strategyLloyd, Helen M.; Ekman, Inger; Rogers, Heather L.; Raposo, Vítor; Melo, Paulo; Marinkovic, Valentina D.; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Srulovici, Einav; Lewandowski, Roman Andrzej; Britten, Nicky
2021Testing cost containment of future healthcare with maintained or improved quality - the COSTCARES ProjectSwedberg, Karl; Cawley, Desmond; Ekman, Inger; Rogers, Heather L.; Antonic, Darijana; Behmane, Daiga; Björkman, Ida; Britten, Nicky; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Byers, Vivienne; Börjesson, Mats; Corazzini, Kirsten; Fors, Andreas; Granger, Bradi; Joksimoski, Boban; Lewandowski, Roman; Sakalauskas, Virgilijus; Srulovici, Einav; Törnell, Jan; Wallström, Sara; Wolf, Axel; Lloyd, Helen M.