Browsing by Author Strazzullo, Serena

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-07Assessing the impact of industry 4.0 technologies on the social sustainability of agrifood companiesCricelli, Livio; Mauriello, Roberto; Strazzullo, Serena; Camilleri, Mark Anthony
2023[Call for papers] Business intelligence and organizational culture : emerging models and applicationsTavana, Madjid; Strazzullo, Serena; Camilleri, Mark Anthony; Filho, Moacir Godinho; Moro, Sergio
2023[Call for papers] Transition from linear to circular economy through open innovationPiñeiro-Chousa, Juan; Tavana, Madjid; Strazzullo, Serena; Camilleri, Mark Anthony; Filho, Moacir Godinho; Filippelli, Serena; Pini, Benedetta
2023Consumer perceptions of sustainable products : a systematic literature reviewCamilleri, Mark Anthony; Cricelli, Livio; Mauriello, Roberto; Strazzullo, Serena
2023Creating shared value through open innovation approaches : opportunities and challenges for corporate sustainabilityCamilleri, Mark Anthony; Troise, Ciro; Strazzullo, Serena; Bresciani, Stefano
2024Leveraging Industry 4.0 technologies for sustainable value chains : raising awareness on digital transformation and responsible operations managementStrazzullo, Serena; Cricelli, Livio; Troise, Ciro; Camilleri, Mark Anthony
2024-07-27Unleashing digital transformation to achieve the sustainable development goals across multiple sectorsVarriale, Vincenzo; Camilleri, Mark Anthony; Cammarano, Antonello; Michelino, Francesca; Müller, Julian; Strazzullo, Serena