Browsing by Author Whitaker, Iain S.

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Acute pain management during facial injection of botulinum toxin : an evidence-based systematic reviewAzzopardi, Ernest A.; Whitaker, Iain S.
2013Application of topical negative pressure (vacuum-assisted closure) to split-thickness skin grafts : a structured evidence-based reviewAzzopardi, Ernest A.; Boyce, Dean Edward; Dickson, William A.; Azzopardi, Elayne; Laing, James Hamish Ellsworth; Whitaker, Iain S.; Shokrollahi, Kayvan
2014Changes in perceptions regarding correct preoperative storage and transfer of amputated digits : a 5‐year follow‐upOomman, Anokha; Tickunas, Tomas; Javed, Muhamad; Yarrow, Jeremy; Azzopardi, Elayne; Azzopardi, Ernest A.; Whitaker, Iain S.
2017Chromophores in operative surgery : current practice and rationalized developmentAzzopardi, Ernest A.; Owens, Siân-Eleri; Murison, Maxwell; Rees, Daniel; Anne Sawhney, M.; Francis, Lewis W.; Rodrigues Teixeira, Rosa Sofia; Clement, Marc; Conlan, Robert Steven; Whitaker, Iain S.
2016Clinical applications of amylase : novel perspectivesAzzopardi, Ernest A.; Rodrigues Teixeira, Rosa Sofia; Conlan, Robert Steven; Whitaker, Iain S.
2012The efficacy of medicinal leeches in plastic and reconstructive surgery : a systematic review of 277 reported clinical casesWhitaker, Iain S.; Oboumarzouk, Omar; Rozen, Warren M.; Naderi, Naghmeh; Balasubramanian, S. P.; Azzopardi, Ernest A.; Kon, Moshe
2009Fluid resuscitation in adults with severe burns at risk of secondary abdominal compartment syndrome - an evidence based systematic reviewAzzopardi, Ernest A.; McWilliams, Bill; Iyer, Srinivasan S.; Whitaker, Iain S.
2014-04Gram negative wound infection in hospitalised adult burn patients--systematic review and metanalysis-Azzopardi, Ernest A.; Azzopardi, Elayne; Camilleri, Liberato; Villapalos, Jorge; Boyce, Dean E.; Dziewulski, Peter; Dickson, William A.; Whitaker, Iain S.
2017Measuring coagulation in burns : an evidence-based systematic reviewMarsden, Nicholas J.; Van, Martin; Dean, Samera; Azzopardi, Ernest A.; Hemington-Gorse, Sarah; Evans, Phillip A.; Whitaker, Iain S.
2011Medicinal leeches and the microsurgeon : a four‐year study, clinical series and risk benefit reviewWhitaker, Iain S.; Josty, Ian C.; Hawkins, Simon; Azzopardi, Ernest A.; Naderi, Naghmeh; Graf, Joerg; Damaris, Lisa; Lineaweaver, William C.; Kon, Moshe
2008Perceptions of correct preoperative storage and transfer of amputated digits : a national survey of referring emergency departmentsAzzopardi, Ernest A.; Whitaker, Iain S.; Laing, Hamish
2013Perceptions regarding correct pre-operative storage and transfer of amputated digits : a national experienceOomman, Anokha; Azzopardi, Ernest A.; Azzopardi, Elayne; Javed, Muhamad; Yarrow, Jeremy; Tickunas, Tomas; Whitaker, Iain S.
2016Polyaniline-graphene based α-amylase biosensor with a linear dynamic range in excess of 6 orders of magnitudeTeixeira, Sofia Rodrigues; Lloyd, Catherine; Yao, Seydou; Gazze, Andrea Salvatore; Whitaker, Iain S.; Francis, Lewis W.; Conlan, Robert Steven; Azzopardi, Ernest A.
2016Polymer therapeutics in surgery : the next frontierAzzopardi, Ernest A.; Conlan, Robert Steven; Whitaker, Iain S.
2009Preventing infective complications following leech therapy : is practice keeping pace with current research?Whitaker, Iain S.; Kamya, Cyril; Azzopardi, Ernest A.; Graf, Joerg; Kon, Moshe; Lineaweaver, William C.