Browsing by Subject Asylum, Right of

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 28  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017After Africa : the representation of migrant lives in contemporary writingBorg Barthet, Stella
2005Anti-discrimination, inclusion and equality in MaltaXuereb, Peter G.
2007-05The bio-psychosocial impact of forced migration as perceived by asylum seekers/refugees in Malta.Podda Connor, Marika
2003The challenges to international protection of refugees.Seda Orhan, Gulsum (2003)
2002Challenges to the right to seek asylum and the principle of non-refoulement : the emphasis of state sovereignty over refugee protectionButtigieg, Coralie
2005A comparative analysis of the individual application procedure under the regional human rights systemsArslan, Gulay (2005)
2011The concept of credibility in refugee lawAxiak, John
2025COVID-19’s lasting effects on forced migrants’ rights at the EU’s southern frontierDeBono, Daniela; Khakee, Anna
2022Disability and forced migration : critical connections and the global south debateGrech, Shaun; Pisani, Maria
2015Disability and forced migration : critical intersectionalitiesPisani, Maria; Grech, Shaun
2012The EU policies on irregular Mediterranean migration 2000-2010 : an evaluationSpiteri, Lynn Marie (2012)
2024From St Paul to Feilazoo v Malta, from asylum law to the sale of citizenship – how Malta and EU law lost l’esprit de l’Europe and the way forwardSammut, Ivan
2013The human rights impact of interpreting women and female children refugee claims through genderAyad, Mary B.
2016“Illegal bodies” on the move – a critical look at forced migration towards social justice for young asylum-seekersPisani, Maria
2006Immigration control and asylum seeker's right to access effective protectionVella, Nicole
2014The impact of inter-institutional bargaining on the content of EU recast procedure directiveAbela, Charlene (2014)
2004Invisible? : the accompanied asylum seeking childSuarez, Holger
2008Irregular migration and the central Mediterranean : the case of LibyaHerrera, David (2008)
2016My diversity : action research : age, gender & diversity perspectives in the Maltese refugee contextPisani, Maria; Gerada, Mario; Grech, Daniela; Tratnik, Elizabeth; Sissoko, Mahady; Abdi, Farah; Cauchi, Alba; Baldacchino, Kathryn
2024The prospect of temporary protection reform in the light of the Ukrainian refugee crisisPastukhov, Oleksandr