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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Agile enterprise and opportunity recognition in SMEs : a concise bibliometric analysisClaudhary, Taimour Khalid; Trzcieliński, Stefan
2021-01Bibliometric analysis : agency theory in accountingAntwi, Isaac Francis
2023Catastrophic risks : a bibliometric analysisSpiteri, Shana (2023)
2024Construction supply chain : a systematic literature review with bibliometric analysisSingh, Navdeep; Ashish, Deepankar Kumar; Dixit, Anuj
2024Cyberattacks as threats in supply chainsKonecka, Sylwia; Bentyn, Zbigniew
2021Data science in decision-making processes : a scientometric analysisGryncewicz, Wieslawa; Sitarska-Buba, Monika
2022A decade of research on Industry 4.0 : a bibliometric study of key research areas with life cycle analysis of publication dynamicsGajdzik, Bożena
2024Evolution and trends in financial inclusion research : a systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis (2004–2023)Kundy, Veronica Paul; Shah, Kamini
2021Evolution of close-range detection and data acquisition technologies towards automation in construction progress monitoringAlaloul, Wesam Salah; Qureshi, Abdul Hannan; Musarat, Muhammad Ali; Saad, Syed
2020The influence of taxes on foreign direct investment : systematic literature review and bibliometric analysisVaz da Fonseca, Peter; Nascimento Jucá, Michele
2021Leading research by institutions and authors : a modern research analysisGryncewicz, Wieslawa; Sitarska-Buba, Monika
2021Literature survey on DEA in the insurance industry with a focus on identification of research hotspots with text miningCvetkoska, Violeta; Ivanovski, Igor; Tasheva, Marija
2016Malta's science base and accession into the European Union : before and afterMcMillan, G. Steven; Bezzina, Frank; Casey, Debra L.
2020Mapping the field of smart specialisation and regional innovation strategy literature – a bibliometric analysisJanik, Agnieszka; Ryszko, Adam; Szafraniec, Marek
2022Minimum wage : a bibliometric analysis of this research topicGonzález-Limón, Myriam; Rodríguez-Ramos, Asunción; Novo-Corti, Isabel
2016Queueing theory : a bibliometric mapping of academic article publications in the Web of Science indexTekin, Bilgehan
2020The relevance of absorptive capacity in firms’ innovation strategies measured via bibliometric analysisVlačić, Ernest; Dabić, Marina; Božac, Marli Gonan
2023Road transport development : a bibliometric analysis of scientific discourseBekisz, Agnieszka; Kruszyński, Michał; Saska, Piotr
2016Smart specialisation in Malta : a bibliometric look at aquacultureMcMillan, G. Steven; Bezzina, Frank; Casey, Debra L.
2024Toward a sustainable research agenda on food eco-labelling in the business and management research domainGeldres-Weiss, Valeska V.; Nicolas, Carolina; Massa, Nathaniel P.