Browsing by Subject Collegiate Basilica of the Nativity of Mary (Senglea, Malta)

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 99  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015100 sena mill-ordinazzjoni episkopali ta’ Mons. Dom Mawru Caruana O.S.B., Arċisqof-Isqof ta’ MaltaKunsill Pastorali Parrokkjali (Senglea, Malta)
20151668 : Ġrajja ta’ żewġ altari f’żewġ knejjes tal-IslaFarrugia, Jonathan
2019-05-0825 sena mill-mewt ta' Mons. Pawl BorgMangion, Fabian
199740 sena mill-ftuħ mill-ġdid tal-Bażilka (1957-1997)Caruana, Mario
2018AnniversarjiKunsill Pastorali Parrokkjali (Senglea, Malta)
2014Bini marbut mal-knisjaCaruana, Mario
1991Birkirkara fi żmien il-gwerra... tifkiriet ta' 50 sena iluBirkirkara : Każin Santa Liena Banda Duke of Connaught’s Own
2020The Collegiate Basilica and Sanctuary of the Nativity of Mary in SengleaFava, Joseph; Zammit, Frank; Farrugia, Jonathan
2018The conservation and restoration of the oldest titular statue of the Maltese Island : Senglea’s 17th century effigy of Maria BambinaLupo, Valentina; Zenzani, Maria Grazia
2018The conservation and restoration of the statue of Maria Bambina, at the Church dedicated to the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, SengleaLupo, Valentina; Zenzani, Maria Grazia
2018Dawra kulturali mal-Port il-KbirSerracino, Joseph
2016Domus Ecclesiae : tempju bazilika li jaghti glorja lil AllaMangion, Fabian
2018Dun Viċenz AzzopardiFrendo, Francis G.
2018-08-26Embroidery artefacts at the Senglea BasilicaMangion, Fabian
2019-09-01Emvin Cremona's artistic legacy at the Senglea basilicaMangion, Fabian
2019The four canvas paintings representing the stages of the Passion of ChristLupo, Valentina; Zenzani, Maria Grazia
2018Frak mill-istorja : il-Bambina - is-Sultana tal-belt SengleaSerracino, Joseph
2020-06-14Frank Portelli's pendentives at the Senglea basilicaMangion, Fabian
2002Fratellanzi u l-altari tagħhomCaruana, Mario
1998Ġanni Darmanin (1817-1908) : marmista u statwarju li ħabb lill-IslaBonnici, Alexander