Browsing by Subject Composite materials

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 28  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Analysing fibre composite designs for high-solidity ducted tidal turbine bladesBorg, Mitchell G.; Xiao, Qing; Allsop, Steven; Incecik, Atilla; Peyrard, Christophe
2021-10Cast in concreteJones, Becky Catrin
2010-12Composites with needle-like inclusions exhibiting negative thermal expansion : a preliminary investigationGrima, Joseph N.; Ellul Grech, Brian; Attard, Daphne; Gatt, Ruben; Attard, Michael
2014-12The Dental Probe : issue 52 : December 14Muscat, David
2014Design-by-analysis methods for asymmetric or unbalanced cylindrical composite pressure vesselsCamilleri, Duncan; Ellul Grech, Brian; Muscat, Martin
2021Developing Local Agave Natural Fibre Composites (DLANComp)Muscat, Martin; De Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire; Camilleri, Duncan; Sinagra, Emmanuel; Lanfranco, Sandro
2014Development and characterisation of high thermal performance diamond-metal matrix compositesGrech, David Francis (2014)
2018Failure envelopes for composite fiber reinforced pipe elbows subject to combined loading — a numerical assessmentCamilleri, Duncan; Ellul Grech, Brian
2022Filament wound composite pipes subject to torsion and bending loadsFarrugia, Nicole; Camilleri, Duncan; Ellul Grech, Brian; Muscat, Martin
2013Finite element models for spot weldsMuscat, Martin; Sciberras, D.
2023Flexural strengthening of steel I-beams using CFRP compositesTanti, Jake (2023)
2020GRP composite pipe elbows subject to an internal pressure and in-plane bending : an experimental studyEllul Grech, Brian; Dimech, Michael A.; Camilleri, Duncan; Muscat, Martin
2021Hempcrete as a sustainable building material : a reviewBukhari, Hamna; Musarat, Muhammad Ali; Alaloul, Wesam Salah; Riaz, Muhammad
2020In-situ synthesised interlayer enhances bonding strength in additively manufactured multi-material hybrid toolingTan, Chaolin; Zhang, Xinyue; Dong, Dongdong; Attard, Bonnie; Wang, Di; Kuang, Min; Ma, Wenyou; Zhou, Kesong
2016An investigation and optimisation study on the structural performance of filament wound GRP pressure vesselsEllul, Brian (2016)
2007The laser deposition of stainless steel-matrix composite surfacesBetts, John Charles
2023Opportune resourcefulness : utilising Posidonia oceanica in architecture and constructionDegiorgio, Owen (2023)
2023Phase change material composite battery module for thermal protection of electric vehicles : an experimental observationBudiman, Alexander C.; Azzopardi, Brian; Sudirja, Muhammad A. P. Perdana; Kaleg, Sunarto; Hadiastuti, Febriani S.; Hasyim, Bagus A.; Rina Ristiana, Amin; Muharam, Aam; Hapid, Abdul
2023Predicting the yield surface in a two-dimensional stress system : a student's laboratory experimentMuscat, Martin; Mollicone, Pierluigi
2022Prediction of kerf width and surface roughness of Al6351 based composite in wire-cut electric discharge machining using mathematical modellingSree Ram, Hariharan; Uthayakumar, Marimuthu; Suresh Kumar, Shanmugam; Thirumalai Kumaran, Sundaresan; Azzopardi, Brian; Korniejenko, Kinga