Browsing by Subject Continuing education

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 88  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Active ageing through lifelong learning : the University of the Third AgeFormosa, Marvin
2007-07Adult education in MaltaMayo, Peter
2017Alternative higher education (HE) : discourses in lifelong learning (LLL)Mayo, Peter
1995Antonio Gramsci and adult educationMayo, Peter
2018Antonio Gramsci and Paulo FreireMayo, Peter
2015Applying the theory of simplexity in home economics education for the acquisition of transversal competencies to face complexityPace, Erika Marie; Aiello, Paola; Sibilio, Maurizio; Piscopo, Suzanne
2015Attitude and perception of doctors in Malta towards revalidationAdwal, Samer
2024Attributes of the agile university education program in the conditions of knowledge-based economyKwasek, Artur; Kocot, Maria; Golińska-Pieszyńska, Małgorzata; Fiks, Artur; Kandefer, Krzysztof
2008Career advisor, guidance officer, or career counsellor? The nature of definition, meaning and practice of career workCuschieri, Stephania (2008)
2021A caring professional continuum : home economics working through familiesMcGregor, Sue L. T.; Piscopo, Suzanne
1988A comparative analysis of Antonio Gramsci and Paulo Friere's ideas relevant to adult educationMayo, Peter
1994A comparative analysis of the ideas of Gramsci and Freire from an adult education perspectiveMayo, Peter
2014-05-02Competences and the right to lifelong education : 45 theses for an alternative critical discourseMayo, Peter
1987The cosmopolitan educator : adult education serving the technology transferHarper, John
2017Creating a learning organization as an increase in the adaptability of a company's human capital to the volatility of the external environmentAliev, Ismail Magerramovich; Sigov, Viktor Ivglafievich
2013Creativity in later life : possibilities for personal empowermentFormosa, Marvin; Hansen, Anna; Kling, Sofia; Sraml Gonzalez, Jakoba
2011Critical educational gerontology : a third statement of first principlesFormosa, Marvin
2004Diluted wine in new bottles : the key messages of the EU memorandum (on lifelong learning)Borg, Carmel; Mayo, Peter
2020Economics, politics and adult educationWalters, Shirley; Borg, Carmel; Mayo, Peter; Foley, Griff
2018Educare alla cittadinanza globale in tempi di neoliberalismo. Riflessioni critiche sulle politiche educative in campo europeoCapobianco, Rosaria; Mayo, Peter; Vittoria, Paolo