Browsing by Subject Drug addiction

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20215-HT interaction with other neurotransmitters : an overviewDe Deurwaerdere, Philippe; Di Giovanni, Giuseppe
2007Basal ganglia, drug addiction and the neuroscience of maladaptive habitsCanales, Juan J.; Ferragud, Antonio; Velazquez, Clara; Perez-Villalba, Ana
2009Creative will : a retrospective, interpretative phenomenological analysis of the lived experience of children, growing up in a family marked by parental substance misuseSmith La Rosa, Mikela (2009)
2019Design and identification of Kappa Opioid receptor modulators for the treatment of addictionMangion, Maria
2012Does central serotonin2c receptor still have new therapeutic potential?Di Giovanni, Giuseppe
2011Drug addiction recovery : insights from Carmelite spiritualityScicluna, Victoria (2011)
1989Ethical reflections by a junior doctorAquilina, Sandra
1988-04Il-Pulizija : volume 7, no. 2 : 1988Ellul, Martin; Malta Police Force
2016Monoaminergic and histaminergic strategies and treatments in brain diseasesDi Giovanni, Giuseppe; Svob Strac, Dubravka; Sole, Montse; Unzeta, Mercedes; Tipton, Keith F.; Muck-Seler, Dorotea; Bolea, Irene; Della Corte, Laura; Nikolac Perkovic, Matea; Pivac, Nela; Smolders, Ilse J.; Stasiak, Anna; Fogel, Wieslawa A.; De Deurwaerdère, Philippe
2014Mothers undergoing drug rehabilitation programme : is the mother-child relationship effected and/or changedZammit, Mirae
2015Non-medical use of prescription drugs in Malta : professionals’ perspectivesBonnici, Jamie
2024The relationship between drug use and crime and what can help to minimise the problemMizzi, Anna (2024)
2016What is more addictive : cannabis or coffee?Hili, Alexander