Browsing by Subject Eigenvectors
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2014 | Controllability of undirected graphs | Farrugia, Alexander; Sciriha, Irene |
2009 | Graphs with a common eigenvalue deck | Sciriha, Irene |
2021 | Joining forces for reconstruction inverse problems | Sciriha, Irene |
1996 | Minimal basis for a vector space with an application to singular graphs | Sciriha, Irene; Fiorini, Stanley; Lauri, Josef |
2015 | A new approach to the method of source-sink potentials for molecular conduction | Pickup, Barry T.; Fowler, Patrick W.; Borg, Martha; Sciriha, Irene |
1997 | On the coefficient of λ in the characteristic polynomial of singular graphs | Sciriha, Irene |
2020 | Spectral graph theory : from practice to theory | Farrugia, Alexander |