Browsing by Subject Environmental education

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 74  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018An analysis on the effectiveness of the lifelong learning through nature programmeMifsud, Mark C.; Chisholm, Hannah
2022Assessment and ESD – which way forward?Bonello, Charles; Musumeci, Martin
2017An assessment of students’ knowledge and awareness about local climate change related issues towards the end of compulsory educationMc Lean, Sharon
2022-06Book reviews [International Journal of Emotional Education, 14(1)]Cowie, Helen
2006Children's concept about waste management : insights for environmental education programme planning in small island statesSmith, Judith (2006)
2015Civic action for sustainable futures : what role for adult environmental education?Caruana, Vincent
2014Civic action for sustainable futures : what role for adult environmental education?Caruana, Vincent
2019Climate change education for universities : a conceptual framework from an international studyMolthan-Hill, Petra; Worsfold, Nicholas; Nagy, Gustavo J.; Leal Filho, Walter; Mifsud, Mark C.
2019Climate change scepticism at universities : a global studyLeal Filho, Walter; Mifsud, Mark C.; Molthan-Hill, Petra; Nagy, Gustavo J.; Veiga Ávila, Lucas; Lange Salvia, Amanda
2008Construction and validation of textbook analysis grids for ecology and environmental educationCaravita, Silvia; Valente, Adriana; Pace, Paul J.; Valanides, Nicos; Khalil, Iman; Berthou, Guillemette; Kozan-Naumescu, Adrienne; Clement, Pierre
2010The contribution of education towards meeting the challenges of climate changeLeal Filho, Walter; Pace, Paul J.; Manolas, Evangelos
2021COVID-19 : the impact of a global crisis on sustainable development teachingLeal Filho, Walter; Price, Elizabeth; Wall, Tony; Shiel, Chris; Azeiteiro, Ulisses M.; Mifsud, Mark C.; Brandli, Luciana; Farinha, Carla Sofia; Caeiro, Sandra; Lange Salvia, Amanda; Ruy Vasconcelos, Claudio; Olim de Sousa, Luiza; Pace, Paul J.; Doni, Federica; Veiga Avila, Lucas; Fritzen, Bárbara; LeVasseur, Todd Jared
2024Cross-pollination for social well-being : an interdisciplinary pedagogy linking art, nature, and well-beingPuntawe, Rona Fugaban; Zammit, Raffaella; Camilleri, Martina; Caruana, Censu
2015Developing action strategies for sustainable living amongst employeesMifsud, Alexandra
2020-04-04Early childhood education for sustainabilitySpiteri, Jane
2022Early childhood educators’ conceptions of the environment : a ‘funds of knowledge’ approachSpiteri, Jane
2022Early childhood teachers’ perceptions of environmental sustainability : a phenomenographic investigationSpiteri, Jane
2023Educating for sustainability in a small island nation : voices from early childhood educationSpiteri, Jane
2009Education for sustainable development : current discourses and practices and their relevance to technology educationLeal Filho, Walter; Manolas, Evangelos; Pace, Paul J.
2010Education for sustainable development : current fad or renewed commitment to actionPace, Paul J.