Browsing by Subject Geriatrics

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 39  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Artificial nutrition and hydration in end-of-life Geriatric Care : medical treatment or basic care?Vassallo, Mark Anthony
1954The autumn of lifeManche, Richard
1996Catheter care : knowledge and care practices in the communityAgius, Glorianne
1954Chest-piece : volume 1 : issue 10Manche, Richard; Fenech, Peter
1997Clinical use of Digoxin in the elderlySammut, Pierre-Ferdinand (1997)
1997The communication environment in a Maltese institutional settingCassar, Priscilla (1997)
1995Cost effectiveness of laboratory services at Zammit Clapp Hospital.Camilleri, Josef
1999Developing a training program in mobility rehabilitation for nurses working in the institutions for the older clientsShawareb, Maha Abou (1999)
2004The effectiveness of occupational therapy on older patients who have undergone surgery for hip fracture : linking process to outcomeScerri, Cynthia (2004)
2005Elderly patient care in the Imaging Department.Cassar, Daniel
2001The elderly person in the community : a multidimensional modeling of predictors influencing the adjustment to a colostomyVella, Mark Domenic (2001)
1997Endurance training in geriatricsYoussef, Mona M (1997)
2002An evaluation of stroke services at Zammit Clapp hospitalAbela, Stephen (2002)
2017Exiled homesOrsini, Gisella
1997Expectations of institutionalised older persons suffering from strokeGrixti, Carmel (1997)
1999Falls in the elderlyAhunanya, Nnamdi Iwuoha (1999)
1992Geriatric nutritionFenech, David
1997Handling of drugs in elderlyMadeleine, Egbert A (1997)
2001The importance of Vitamin D and Calcium in preventing fractures in the elderlyDyrmishi, Bora N (2001)
2007Introducing voluntary services during the discharge process of long-term hospitalised elderly patients.Carabott, James