Browsing by Subject Glutamic acid

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015The central role of aquaporins in the pathophysiology of ischemic strokeVella, Jasmine; Zammit, Christian; Di Giovanni, Giuseppe; Muscat, Richard; Valentino, Mario
2016Changes in metabolic proteins in ex vivo rat retina during glutamate-induced neural progenitor cell inductionTokuda, Kazuhiro; Kuramitsu, Yasuhiro; Baron, Byron; Kitagawa, Takao; Tokuda, Nobuko; Kobayashi, Masaaki; Kimura, Kazuhiro; Sonoda, Koh-Hei; Nakamura, Kazuyuki
2001Elevation of extracellular glutamate in the final, ischemic stage of progressive epidural mass lesion in catsToyota, Shingo; Graf, Rudolf; Dohmen, Christian; Valentino, Mario; Grond, Martin; Wienhard, Klaus; Heiss, Wolf-Dieter
2001Extracellular glutamate accumulates only in final, ischemic stage of progressive epidural mass lesion in catsGraf, Rudolf; Toyota, Shingo; Dohmen, Christian; Valentino, Mario; Weinhard, K.; Heiss, Wolf-Dieter
2015Functional electrophysiological assessment from optic nerve and callosal slice in mice to study white matter injuryZammit, Christian; Vella, Jasmine; Zammit, Robert; Muscat, Richard; Valentino, Mario
2001Glutamate and purine catabolites in relation to free radical production during focal ischemia-reperfusion : an in vivo study in catsValentino, Mario; Graf, Rudolf; Toyota, Shingo; Dohmen, Christian; Gabel, P.; Heiss, Wolf-Dieter
2011Higher levels of glutamate in the associative-striatum of subjects with prodromal symptoms of schizophrenia and patients with first-episode psychosisFuente-Sandoval, Camilo de la; Leon-Ortiz, Pablo; Favila, Rafael; Stephano, Sylvana; Mamo, David; Ramirez-Bermudez, Jesus; Graff-Guerrero, Ariel
2002Ischemic depression of neuronal activity : real time comparison between DC potential changes and alterations of ion and transmitterGraf, Rudolf; Nozaki, Hiroyuki; Toyota, Shingo; Ohta, Kouichi; Valentino, Mario; Kumura, Eiji; Dohmen, Christian; Sakaki, Takayuki; Rosner, Gerhard; Heiss, Wolf-Dieter
2018L-glutamate delays aspirin-induced apoptosis of redox-compromised yeast cells by restoring the GSH/GSSG ratio and the mitochondrial respiratory rateAzzopardi, Maria; Farrugia, Gianluca; Saliba, Christian; Gross, Angelina S.; Vassallo, Neville; Grech, Godfrey; Borg, Joseph J.; Madeo, Frank; Eisenberg, Tobias; Balzan, Rena
2002Malignant infarction in cats after prolonged middle cerebral artery occlusion : glutamate elevation related to decrease of cerebral perfusion pressureToyota, Shingo; Graf, Rudolf; Valentino, Mario; Yoshimine, Toshiki; Heiss, Wolf-Dieter
2020Mechanisms of aspirin-induced apoptosis in redox-compromised yeast cells : the effect of aspirin on the cell cycle and glutamate metabolismAzzopardi, Maria (2020)
2020Up‐regulation of the pentose phosphate pathway and HIF‐1α expression during neural progenitor cell induction following glutamate treatment in rat ex vivo retinaTokuda, Kazuhiro; Baron, Byron; Yamashiro, Chiemi; Kuramitsu, Yasuhiro; Kitagawa, Takao; Kobayashi, Masaaki; Sonoda, Koh‐Hei; Kimura, Kazuhiro
2014β2-adrenergic receptors protect axons during energetic stress but do not influence basal glio-axonal lactate shuttling in mouse white matterLaureys, Guy; Valentino, Mario; Demol, Frauke; Zammit, Christian; Muscat, Richard; Cambron, Melissa; Kooijman, Ron; De Keyser, Jacques