Browsing by Subject Health systems agencies

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Building resilience in health systemsBriguglio, Lino; Azzopardi Muscat, Natasha
2019Editorial : healthDuca, Edward; Camilleri, Cassi
2020[Editorial] Promises and limitations of a digitalized infection control programMartischang, Romain; Peters, Alexandra; Guitart, Chloe; Tartari Bonnici, Ermira; Pittet, Didier
2015EU country specific recommendations for health systems in the European semester process : trends, discourse and predictorsAzzopardi Muscat, Natasha; Stoner, Deborah; Brand, Helmut; Clemens, Timo
2018Health system challenges in small European states : what should the EU prioritize post 2020?Azzopardi Muscat, Natasha; Tomaselli, Gianpaolo; Pace, Roderick
2018Health system resilience : an exploratory analysis of contributory factors in a small state health systemDemicoli, Bernardette; Azzopardi Muscat, Natasha; Briguglio, Lino
2019Health systems in small states challenges, opportunities & future researchAzzopardi Muscat, Natasha
2020Person-centered care from a relational ethics perspective for the delivery of high quality and safe healthcare : a scoping reviewTomaselli, Gianpaolo; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Rosano, Aldo; Cassar, Maria; Grima, George
2013A small country perspective on the future prospects of EU Health PolicyAzzopardi Muscat, Natasha
2016Strengthening Malta’s health system resilience through retention and development of human resourcesAzzopardi Muscat, Natasha; Briguglio, Lino; Ziglio, Erio