Browsing by Subject Homografts

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Bone augmented with allograft onlays for implant placement could be comparable with native boneAl-Abedalla, Khadijeh; Torres, Jesus; Cortes, Arthur R. G.; Wu, Xixi; Nader, Samer Abi; Daniel, Nach; Tamimi, Faleh
2004Bone banking in the UK blood servicesFehily, D.; Warwick, Ruth; Kearney, J.; Galea, George
2005Clinical effectiveness of processed and unprocessed boneGalea, George; Kearney, J. N.
2013-09The Dental Probe : issue 47 : September 13Muscat, David
2007Development of a bacteriophage model system to investigate virus inactivation methods used in the treatment of bone allograftsBienek, Carol; MacKay, Lynsay; Scott, Gillian; Jones, Anthony; Lomas, Richard; Kearney, John N.; Galea, George
2012Intra-operative washing of morcellised bone allograft with pulse lavage : how effective is it in reducing blood and marrow content?Ibrahim, T.; Qureshi, A.; McQuillan, T. A.; Thomson, J.; Galea, George; Power, R. A.
2005Processing of whole femoral head allografts : validation methodology for the reliable removal of nucleated cells, lipid and soluble proteins using a multi-step washing procedureYates, Philip; Thomson, J.; Galea, George
2021Promoting wound healing in burnt patients : autografts vs allograftsGiordmaina, Daniel (2021)
2003Setting up a satellite bone harvesting service to supply cancellous bone graftKropp, Lynn; Mann, Sandra; Drain, John; Galea, George; Lumley, Susan
1998Supply and demand of bone allograft for revision hip surgery in ScotlandGalea, George; Kopman, D.; Graham, B. J. M.
2000Tissue banking in ScotlandGalea, George
2002Utilisation of bone allograft by orthopaedic surgeons in ScotlandWilson, C. J.; Tait, G. R.; Galea, George