Browsing by Subject Inflation (Finance)

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007The adoption of the Euro in Malta : inflation related policiesSpiteri, Andrew (2007)
1975Commercial banking and inflation in MaltaGalea Cortis, Joan (1975)
2007Econometric model of inflation and currency rate of exchangeTomescu Dumitrescu, Cornelia
2011An examination of the fisher effect in the EURO areaPiccinino, Stephen
2021Impact of inflation rate on construction projects budget : a reviewMusarat, Muhammad Ali; Alaloul, Wesam Salah; Liew, M. S.
2018The impact of quantitative easing on stock prices around the globeBorg, Glen
2024The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine on gold marketsMorina, Fisnik; Misiri, Valdrin; Dinaj, Saimir; Grima, Simon
2024Incorporating inflation rate in construction projects cost : forecasting modelMusarat, Muhammad Ali; Alaloul, Wesam Salah; Liew, M. S.
2024Industrial relations and social dialogue Malta : developments in working life 2023Rizzo, Saviour; Fiorini, Luke
1982Inflation and currency ratesConsiglio, John Alfred
2022Inflation rate and labours’ wages in construction projects : economic relation investigationMusarat, Muhammad Ali; Alaloul, Wesam Salah; Liew, M. S.
2020Investigating the impact of inflation on building materials prices in construction industryMusarat, Muhammad Ali; Alaloul, Wesam Salah; Liew, M. S.; Maqsoom, Ahsen; Qureshi, Abdul Hannan
2021-04L-Istatistika : Programmes 1-13Malta Statistics Authority; Grech, Keith
2020The relationship of cement consumption and economic growth : an updated approachSubiyanto, Effnu
2006Should central banks incorporate financial stability considerations in reaching monetary policy decisions? : the case for the central bank of MaltaButtigieg Gili, Maruska (2006)
2013The sticky cost on Greek food, beverages and tobacco limited companiesKokotakis, Vasileios; Mantalis, Georgios; Garefalakis, Alexandros; Zanidakis, Nikolaos; Galifianakis, George
1998Sustainable growth, the budget deficit, and inflationGazioglu, Saziye; McCausland, W. David