Browsing by Subject Internal combustion engines

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Balancing of a four cylinder engine for single cylinder operationCaruana, Carl; Farrugia, Mario
2013Design and development of an electronic fuel injection systemTabone, Anton (2013)
2014Design of an ECU for a free piston engineEllul, Simon
2015Electric vehicles challenges and opportunities : Lithuanian reviewRaslavičius, Laurencas; Azzopardi, Brian; Keršys, Artūras; Starevičius, Martynas; Bazaras, Žilvinas; Makaras, Rolandas
2015Energy recovery systems for retrofitting in internal combustion engine vehicles : a review of techniquesGabriel-Buenaventura, Alejandro; Azzopardi, Brian
2024Improvements of the hydrogen engine setup and continuation of the experimental investigationFenech, Andrew (2024)
2021In-cylinder heat transfer determination using impulse response method with a two-dimensional characterization of the eroding surface thermocoupleCaruana, Carl; Farrugia, Mario; Mollicone, Pierluigi; Pipitone, Emiliano; Sammut, Gilbert
2021Incylinder heat transfer and friction analysis in pressurised motored compression ignition engineCaruana, Carl
2020Incylinder heat transfer and friction analysis in pressurised motored compression ignition engineCaruana, Carl (2020)
2007Ion current combustion technology for controlled auto-ignition gasoline enginesAttard, P.; Micallef, Joseph
2005Ion-current combustion control for compression-ignition enginesAttard, Patrick (2005)
1991A microprocessor controlled distributorless ignition systemVassallo, Joseph (1991)
2023Setting up of a hydrogen spark ignition engine with in-cylinder pressure measurement for combustion characterizationPortelli, Stefan (2023)
2021Simulation studies to maximise measurement data quality of engine rubbing friction - methods based on pressurised motoringSammut, Gilbert; Caruana, Carl; Farrugia, Mario; Pipitone, Emiliano
1977Two stroke petrol engine performanceGalea, A. (1977)