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Showing results 1 to 20 of 30  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Association between culture and the preference for, and perceptions of, 11 routes of medicine administration : a survey in 21 countries and regionsMurdan, Sudaxshina; Wei, Li; Van Riet-Nales, Diana A.; Endale Gurmu, Abyot; Usifoh, Stella Folajole; Tăerel, Adriana-Elena; Yıldız-Peköz, Ayca; Krajnović, Dušanka; Azzopardi, Lilian M.; Brock, Tina; Fernandes, Ana I.; Souza dos Santos, André Luis; Panyin Anto, Berko; Vallet, Thibault; Euni Lee, Eunkyung; Hye Jeong, Kyeong; Akel, Marwan; Tam, Eliza; Volmer, Daisy; Douss, Tawfik; Furnham, Adrian
2013-06Bad PharmaGoldacre, Ben
2014-03Bees dream of goldDuca, Edward; Duca, Edward
2014-09Beneath your skinVella, Ingrid
2015-07Chemistry for medicineFarrugia, Kristina
2009A critical evaluation of the determination of shelf-life using a statistical approachGatt, Elton (2009)
2011Decizjonijiet storici : program 8Pirotta, Joseph; Borg, Joseph
2022Developing a framework for pharmacist prescribing : a risk-based approachTheuma, Emma; Attard Pizzuto, Maresca; Azzopardi, Lilian M.
2013Editor's word : remedium universalisEllul, Ian C.
2022Evaluation of educational seminar on the analysis of pesticides in cannabisVella Szijj, Janis; Ronsisvalle, Simone; Attard Pizzuto, Maresca; Sammut Bartolo, Nicolette; Wirth, Francesca; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony; Azzopardi, Lilian M.
2015-04Hips 4 eternityCamilleri, Cassi
1925-06Il-mard tat-tfalAgius, P. P.
2013An intelligent pillAzzopardi, Carl; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Hicks, Yulia A.
2015-09Into the crystal mazeVassallo, Francesca
2013Keeping heart attacks on holdDuca, Edward
2012-09Laughter is the best medicineDuca, Edward
2010Lectures 14 : program 11 : non-self help : how immunology is re-framing the enlightenmentWorks in Progress Seminars Series; Napier, David
2013Medication adherence practices among patients attending the primary health care medical consultant clinics in MaltaScicluna, Dorothy
2006Nurses' awareness of the prevention and management of needle-stick injuriesMizzi, Christiana
2015-04A pill for every ill?Buhagiar, Marc; Clark, Marilyn