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Showing results 1 to 20 of 28  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1958"Bandi" &c., of the XV centuryLeopardi, Edward Romeo
1957"Bandi" of the XV centuryLeopardi, Edward Romeo
1979The crypt and church of S. Marija tal-Virtu' at RabatBuhagiar, Mario
2018Documenta, Monumenta. Le Commende e i Baliaggi dell’Ordine di Malta in Puglia come sistema culturale territoriale dal Medioevo ad oggiBurgassi, Valentina; Vanesio, Valeria
1958Documenti per servire alla storia Medievale malteseGalea, Joseph
2018Engaging with Islamic thought : the paradigm of Thomas AquinasEllul, Joseph
1975Fossil sharks' teeth: A Medieval safeguard against poisoningZammit-Maempel, George
1997Gozo in late Roman, Byzantine and Muslim timesBuhagiar, Mario
1964A handlist of writings on art in MaltaSammut, Edward
2011The historical development of the Hospitaller Commandery of San Giovanni Battista Capo di Ponte, Parma, in the Grand Priory of VeniceBartolo, Andrea Maria (2011)
2011Il-funderija Cornille-HavardParish of Our Lady of Loreto (Għajnsielem, Malta); Bonett, Tabita
1991An inscription (1533) and a letter (1798)Brincat, Joseph M. (Giuseppe)
2001Italian pride and English prejudice : the reception of otherness in the RenaissanceEllul-Micallef, Patricia
1986-01-05Kif il-gżejjer Maltin għaddew f'idejn il-HohenstaufenGalea Scannura, Charles
1986-05-11Kif żviluppa u x'setgħa kellu l-Gvern ta' Malta fis-Seklu ĦmistaxGalea Scannura, Charles
1989Malta fiz-zmien nofsaniWettinger, Godfrey
1985Malta through the ages (4) : medieval Malta (part one)Borg, Joseph
1985Malta through the ages (5) : medieval Malta (part two)Borg, Joseph
1998Medieval island societies : reassessing insulation in a central Mediterranean contextDalli, Charles
2022-10Middle age exposed S1 - 13 programmesFitz, Colin; Farrugia, Alekx