Browsing by Subject Miscarriage

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Assessing the predictive value of first trimester ultrasound and biochemical markers in miscarriage : a scoping reviewSammut, Lara; Bezzina, Paul; Gibbs, Vivien; Calleja-Agius, Jean
2006Cytogenetic and Fluorescence in situ Hybridisation (FISH) analysis of miscarriages.Sultana, Tessabelle
2012Investigation of systemic inflammatory response in first trimester pregnancy failureCalleja-Agius, Jean; Jauniaux, Eric R.M.; Pizzey, Arnold R.; Muttukrishna, Shanthi
2006Nurses' awareness of the psychological needs of women experiencing early pregnancy lossAttard Bason, Helen
2011Obstetric outcome and cytokine levels in threatened miscarriageCalleja-Agius, Jean; Schembri-Wismayer, Pierre; Calleja, Neville; Brincat, Mark; Spiteri, Dorianne
2010Obstetric outcome in cases of threatened spontaneous abortionCalleja-Agius, Jean; Calleja, Neville; Brincat, Mark; Spiteri, Dorianne
2008The paradox of pregnancy : an update on the immunology of early pregnancyFormosa, Mark
2012Placental villous expression of TNF α and IL‐10 and effect of oxygen tension in euploid early pregnancy failureCalleja-Agius, Jean; Jauniaux, Eric R.M.; Muttukrishna, Shanthi
2023Prenatal alcohol exposure and risk of foetal lossFalzon, Kim (2023)
2024The prevalence of threatened miscarriage in MaltaSammut, Lara; Bezzina, Paul; Gibbs, Vivien; Baron, Yves Muscat; Calleja-Agius, Jean
2004Recurrent miscarriage in Malta: an analysis of 135 patients referred to the miscarriage clinicFormosa, Mark
2008Recurrent miscarriages : what is the role of cytokines?Calleja-Agius, Jean; Brincat, Mark P.
2014The role of interferons in early pregnancyMicalle, Anna; Grech, Nicole; Farrugia, Francesca; Schembri-Wismayer, Pierre; Calleja-Agius, Jean
2012The role of tumor necrosis factor-receptors in pregnancy with normal and adverse outcomeCalleja-Agius, Jean; Muttukrishna, Shanthi; Jauniaux, Eric R.M.