Browsing by Subject Multivariate analysis

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 39  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Analysing ordinal categorical data using the proportional odds model and latent class modelsAzzopardi, Lara Marie (2011)
2013Analysing preferences to iPad attributes using two-stage segmentation and latent class proceduresLia, Keith (2013)
2011Analyzing compositional data using two-stage clusteringBugeja, Liana (2011)
2021Application of fourier transform mid-infra-red attenuated total reflectance (ft-mir-atr) for the authentication of Maltese extra virgin olive oilLia, Frederick; Zammit-Mangion, Marion; Farrugia, Claude
1997Application of multivariate and other statistical methods to the analysis of marine communities from the Maltese IslandsMicallef, René Mario (1997)
2015Application of sliding mode control to the ball and plate problemDebono, David; Bugeja, Marvin K.
2014Applying the theory of Markov chains and point processes in the study of HPV virusesDebono, Clayton (2014)
2017Approximate bayesian clustering of genomesCatania, Romario (2017)
2020Correlation between the dynamics of changes in the population of selected European societies and the level of European regional security in the day of Covid-19Kozicki, Bartosz; Gornikiewicz, Marcin; Walkowiak, Marzena
2005Defect analysis using a multivariate approachFarrugia, Stefan (2005)
2024Determinants of 1-year mortality after acute myocardial infarction in patients with and without diabetesMontebello, Annalisa; Agius, Martina; Grech, Martina; Maniscalco, Nicoletta; Kenkovski, Ivana; Fava, Stephen
2019Different representation procedures originated from multivariate temporal pattern analysis of the behavioral response to pain in Wistar rats tested in a hot-plate under morphineCasarrubea, Maurizio; Aiello, Stefania; Santangelo, Andrea; Di Giovanni, Giuseppe; Crescimanno, Giuseppe
2010Efficient Monte Carlo methods for evaluating the downside risk of financial positionsCaruana, Anne Marie (2010)
2015Evaluating the financial performances of the banks listed on Istanbul stock exchange banks index by data envelopment analysis and Malmquist indexDizkirici, Ahmet Selcuk; Gokgoz, Ahmet
2020The first identification of the uniqueness and authentication of Maltese extra virgin olive oil using 3D-fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with multi-way data analysisLia, Frederick; Paul Formosa, Jean; Zammit-Mangion, Marion; Farrugia, Claude
2021Flexible multidimensional scaling for human smart development analysis in EU countriesMarkowska, Małgorzata; Sokołowski, Andrzej; Strahl, Danuta
2024From data to insights : a beginner's guide to cross-tabulation analysisAlberti, Gianmarco
2018Generalized Tietjen-Moore test to detect outliersKaragöz, Derya; Aktaş, Serpil
2020The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the economic security of Russia and European countriesKozicki, Bartosz; Gornikiewicz, Marcin; Walkowiak, Marzena
2023Innovativeness of regions in PolandKlóska, Rafał