Browsing by Subject Ontologies (Information retrieval)

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Achieving maximum reading coverage using ontology miningDalli, Jake J.
2003Applying language technology to ontology-based querying : the OntoQuery projectPaggio, Patrizia; Haltrup, Dorte; Pedersen, Bolette S.
2012Constructing lightweight ontologies from a conversational agentBartolo, Peter Andrew (2012)
2004Content-based text querying with ontological descriptorsAndreasen, Troels; Jensen, Per Anker; Nilsson, Jørgen Fischer; Paggio, Patrizia; Pedersen, Bolette Sandford; Erdman Thomsen, Hanne
2019Deepwater archaeological survey : an interdisciplinary and complex processDrap, Pierre; Papini, Odile; Merad, Djamal; Pasquet, Jérôme; Royer, Jean-Philip; Motasem Nawaf, Mohamad; Saccone, Mauro; Ellefi, Mohamed Ben; Chemisky, Bertrand; Seinturier, Julien; Sourisseau, Jean-Christophe; Gambin, Timmy; Castro, Filipe
2014EasyOnt : a semi-automatic ontology learning systemAttard, Cynthia (2014)
2018Enhancing ontology quality through a pipelined extension of quality assessment and visualisation frameworksMc Gurk, Silvio
2019Extracting semantic-based video game characters information from social media platformsSacco, Owen; Liapis, Antonios; Yannakakis, Georgios N.
2017Game character ontology (GCO) : a vocabulary for extracting and describing game character information from web contentSacco, Owen; Liapis, Antonios; Yannakakis, Georgios N.
2011Information extraction over the Internet for a dynamic gameCutajar, Simon (2011)
2013Information security in enterprises - ontology perspectiveSchiavone, Stephen; Garg, Lalit; Summers, Kelly
2008Interschema correspondence establishment in a cooperative OWL-based multi-information server grid environmentTawil, Abdel Rahman Hani; Montebello, Matthew; Bahsoon, Rami; Gray, William Alex; Fiddian, Nick J.
2010Lightweight ontology learning using dependency parsingBartolo, Peter Andrew (2010)
2024medicX-KE : a knowledge graph for pharmacists’ drug information needsFarrugia, Lizzy; Azzopardi, Lilian M.; Debattista, Jeremy; Abela, Charlie
2009Modeling the data entities used in the financial diagnosis through onthologiesObancea, Georgiana Daniela; Tamas, Ilie
2014Ontology of information security in enterprisesSchiavone, Stephen; Garg, Lalit; Summers, Kelly
2019Ontology portalDrago, Matthew
2019Ontology-based web tools for retrieving photogrammetric cultural heritage modelsBen Ellefi, M.; Drap, Pierre; Papini, Odile; Merad, Djamal; Royer, Jean-Philip; Nawaf, Mohamad Motasem; Nocerino, E.; Hyttinen, Kari; Sourisseau, Jean-Christophe; Gambin, Timmy; Castro, Filipe
2017OntoQAV : a pipeline for visualising ontology qualityMc Gurk, Silvio; Debattista, Jeremy; Abela, Charlie
2008Process fact extraction from the webBuhagiar, Stephanie (2008)