Browsing by Subject Oxygen therapy
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2017 | The acute use of oxygen therapy in adults | Beasley, Richard; Thayabaran, Darmiga; Bardsley, George |
2021 | The addition of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, along with steroid administration in recovering from sensorineural hearing loss | Xiberras, Luke (2021) |
2006 | Coad patient's use and understanding regarding long-term oxygen therapy | Formosa, Charlene |
2017 | A comparison of standard wound care vs. standard wound care with adjunct hyperbaric oxygen therapy in diabetic arterial ulceration | Perren, Sarah |
2023 | Hyperbaric oxygen therapy : reducing infections in diabetic foot ulcers | Spiteri, Amanda (2023) |
2011 | Oxygen prescription and administration at the Emergency Department and medical wards in Mater Dei Hospital | Asciak, Rachelle; Fenech, Valerie Anne; Gatt, Jurgen; Montefort, Stephen |
1966 | Respiratory failure and oxygen therapy | Rizzo Naudi, John |