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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Floquet control of optomechanical bistability in multimode systemsMercadé, Laura; Pelka, Karl; Burgwal, Roel; Xuereb, Andre; Martínez, Alejandro; Verhagen, Ewold
2020Nonreciprocal topological phononics in optomechanical arraysSanavio, Claudio; Peano, Vittorio; Xuereb, Andre
2005Optical sensing and switching with designed moleculesDe Silva, A. Prasanna; Magri, David C.
2020Passively stable distribution of polarisation entanglement over 192 km of deployed optical fibreWengerowsky, Sören; Koduru Joshi, Siddarth; Steinlechner, Fabian; Zichi, Julien R.; Liu, Bo; Scheidl, Thomas; Dobrovolskiy, Sergiy M.; van der Molen, René; Los, Johannes W. N.; Zwiller, Val Z.; Versteegh, Marijn A. M.; Mura, Alberto; Calonico, Davide; Inguscio, Massimo; Zeilinger, Anton; Xuereb, Andre; Ursin, Rupert
2009Routing thermal noise through quantum networksBarzanjeh, Shabir; Aquilina, Matteo; Xuereb, Andre
2023An X-ray free-electron laser with a highly configurable undulator and integrated chicanes for tailored pulse propertiesPrat, Eduard; Al Haddad, Andre; Arrell, Christopher; Augustin, Sven; Boll, Marco; Bostedt, Christoph; Calvi, Marco; Adrian, Cavalieri; Paolo, Craievich; Andreas, Dax; Philipp, Dijkstal; Ferrari, Eugenio; Rolf, Follath; Ganter, Romain; Geng, Zheqiao; Hiller, Nicole; Huppert, Martin; Rasmus, Ischebeck; Juranic, Pavle; Kittel, Christoph; Knopp, Gregor; Malyzhenkov, Alexander; Marcellini, Fabio; Neppl, Stefan; Reiche, Sven; Sammut, Nicholas; Schietinger, Thomas; Schmidt, Thomas; Schnorr, Kirsten; Trisorio, Alexandre; Vicario, Carlo; Voulot, Didier; Guanglei, Wang; Weilbach, Tobias