Browsing by Subject Posthumanism

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 22  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Becoming community - a posthuman perspectiveCassar, Joanne
2015Constructed worlds : posthumanism in film, television and other cosmopoietic mediaCallus, Ivan
2022Critical posthumanism : an overviewHerbrechter, Stefan; Callus, Ivan; Bruin-Molé, Megen de; Grech, Marija; Müller, Christopher John; Rossini, Manuela
2007Critical posthumanism or, the inventio of a posthumanism without technologyCallus, Ivan; Herbrechter, Stefan
2022Digital salvation as a gift : a catholic understanding of digital salvation in contrast to Kurzweilian transhumanismPulis, Matthew
2019Ethical implications in teaching and learning about intimate partner violence and femicide preventionCassar, Joanne
2014The European journal of English studies : volume 18 : issue 2Callus, Ivan; Herbrechter, Stefan; Rossini, Manuela
2004Extroduction : the irresistibility of the posthuman : questioning ‘new cultural theory’Callus, Ivan; Herbrechter, Stefan
2021From goddess to cyborg : considerations on the fate of beauty in posthumanismTheuma, Maria (2021)
2022/imagine : posthuman tragedy and the aura of AI-produced artCorby, James
2012Introduction : posthumanist subjectivities, or, coming after the subject...Callus, Ivan; Herbrechter, Stefan
2004The latecoming of the posthuman, or, why “we” do the apocalypse differently, “now’”Callus, Ivan; Herbrechter, Stefan
2022Palgrave handbook of critical posthumanismHerbrechter, Stefan; Callus, Ivan; Rosssini, Manuela; Grech, Marija; Bruin-Molé, Megen de; Müller, Christopher John
2013PosthumanismCallus, Ivan; Herbrechter, Stefan
2012Reclusiveness and posthumanist subjectivityCallus, Ivan
2024Reorienting the gaze : looking beyond anthropocentrism in art educationPortelli, Beatrice (2024)
2004Rhizomatic cyborgs : hypertextual considerations in a posthuman ageCalleja, Gordon; Schwager, Christian
2023Sognando un mondo post-postumano? Dal miglioramento radicale del corpo al miglioramento radicale della culturaCalleja, Carlo
2012Subjectivity : special issue : posthumanist subjectivities : volume 5 : issue 3Callus, Ivan; Herbrechter, Stefan
2008What is a posthumanist reading?Herbrechter, Stefan; Callus, Ivan