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Showing results 1 to 20 of 33  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Analyzing the impact of camera viewpoint on player psychophysiologyPerez Martinez, Hector; Jhala, Arnav; Yannakakis, Georgios N.
2013-12A case of Diogenes SyndromeFerry, Peter
2017Cervical cancer and screening: knowledge, awareness and attitudes of women in MaltaDeguara, Michelle
1976The concept of love in FreudAbela, Anthony M. (1976)
2010Creativity and mental illness in MaltaGafa', Lisa (2010)
2021Creazione di uno spazio scenico : incontri umani attraverso processi teatraliGatt, Isabelle; Perissinotto, Loredana; Testa, Giorgio
2013The effect of acting upon the human mindSammut, Rebecca (2013)
2023-06The effects of entrepreneurs' dark and light traits on their coping strategies and psychological well-beingBaldacchino, Leonie
2010A glossary of terms (English-Maltese) in general psychologyXuereb, Jonathan (2010)
2011I don't believe anymore : an interpretative phenomenological analysis of deconversion and its disclosureHolmberg, Laura Aili
2023Idiography and the fractal nature of psychological researchBuhagiar, Luke Joseph; Sammut, Gordon
2013Il-hrejjef, l-gherf u l-magija 1 : programs 1-17Agius, Margaret
2013Il-hrejjef, l-gherf u l-magija 2 : programs 1-18Agius, Margaret
1959-03Il-personalitàGħaqda tal-Kittieba tal-Malti
2023Intersectionality : a brief personal and professional understandingSant, Marta
2018-10Konnekt 2 : Programmes 1-17Bell, Albert
2016Konnekt : programs 1-17Bell, Albert
2023-10Konnekt S4 - 13 programmesFaculty for Social Wellbeing; Camilleri Zahra, Amy
2024-01Konnekt S5 - 13 programmesCamilleri Zahra, Amy
2024Konnekt S6 - 13 programmesFaculty for Social Wellbeing; Camilleri Zahra, Amy