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Showing results 1 to 20 of 42  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Assessing the nonequilibrium thermodynamics in a quenched quantum many-body system via single projective measurementsFusco, Lorenzo; Pigeon, Simon; Apollaro, Tony John George; Xuereb, Andre; Mazzola, Laura; Campisi, Michelle; Ferraro, Alessandro; Paternostro, Mauro; Chiara, Gabriele de
2018Charging a quantum battery : investigation of the quantum advantage provided by entanglementChetcuti, Wayne Jordan (2018)
2019Coexistence of different scaling laws for the entanglement entropy in a periodically driven systemApollaro, Tony John George; Lorenzo, Salvatore
2014Competition between memory-keeping and memory-erasing decoherence channelsApollaro, Tony John George; Lorenzo, Salvatore; Di Franco, Carlo; Plastina, Francesco; Paternostro, Mauro
2021Crossover between open systems dynamical regimesZammit, Darren (2021)
2020Dimensionality-enhanced quantum state transfer in long-range-interacting spin systemsHermes, Samihr; Apollaro, Tony John George; Paganelli, Simone; Macrì, Tommaso
2016Does “cooling by heating” protect quantum correlations?Villas-Boas, Celso J.; Cardoso, Wesley B.; Avelar, Ardiley T.; Xuereb, Andre; Almeida, Norton G. de
2015Dynamical symmetries and crossovers in a three-spin system with collective dissipationPigeon, Simon; Xuereb, Andre; Lesanovsky, Igor V.; Garrahan, Juan Pedro; Chiara, Gabriele de; Paternostro, Mauro
2015-02Dynamical symmetries and crossovers in spin systems with collective dissipationXuereb, Andre
2011Efficient quantum information transfer through a uniform channelBanchi, Leonardo; Apollaro, Tony John George; Cuccoli, Alessandro; Vaia, Ruggero; Verrucchi, Paola
2016Entanglement entropy in a periodically driven quantum Ising ringApollaro, Tony John George; Palma, G. Massimo; Marino, Jamir
2006Entanglement localization by a single defect in a spin chainApollaro, Tony John George; Plastina, Francesco
2008Entanglement modulation in a spin chain by a local impurityApollaro, Tony John George; Cuccoli, Alessandro; Fubini, Andrea; Plastina, Francesco; Verrucchi, Paola
2016Entropy and correlations in an open quantum systemCaruana, Melissa (2016)
2014Irreversible work and inner friction in quantum thermodynamic processesPlastina, Francesco; Alecce, A.; Apollaro, Tony John George; Falcone, Giovanni; Francica, Gianluca; Galve, F.; Lo Gullo, N.; Zambrini, R.
2017Irreversible work versus fidelity susceptibility for infinitesimal quenchesPaganelli, Simone; Apollaro, Tony John George
2007Local control of entanglement in a spin chainPlastina, Francesco; Apollaro, Tony John George
2010Manipulating and protecting entanglement by means of spin environmentsApollaro, Tony John George; Cuccoli, A.; Di Franco, C.; Paternostro, Mauro; Plastina, Francesco; Verrucchi, P.
2018Manipulating the flow of thermal noise in quantum devicesBarzanjeh, Shabir; Aquilina, Matteo; Xuereb, Andre
2015Many-qubit quantum state transfer via spin chainsApollaro, Tony John George; Lorenzo, Salvatore; Sindona, A.; Paganelli, Simone; Giorgi, G. L.; Plastina, Francesco