Browsing by Subject Real-time data processing

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 74  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Advanced nonlinear control concepts for freeway traffic networksKontorinaki, Maria
2019Applying runtime verification to group key establishmentColombo, Christian; González Vasco, María Isabel; Vella, Mark Joseph; Zajac, Pavol
2007Aspect-oriented programming runtime-enforcement of temporal properties in security-critical softwareColombo, Christian; Pace, Gordon J.
2016An automata-based approach to evolving privacy policies for social networksPardo, Raul; Colombo, Christian; Pace, Gordon J.; Schneider, Gerardo
2014Comprehensive monitor-oriented compensation programmingColombo, Christian; Pace, Gordon J.
2023Design and implementation of a software defined radio for real time applicationsD'Amato, Ryan (2023)
2024The development of a generic IIOT framework for an industrial pneumatic systemMallia, Jasmine; Francalanza, Emmanuel; Xuereb, Peter; Refalo, Paul
1993Digital communication techniquesAsciak, Clive (1993)
2021Drone object detection based on real-time sign language communicationBorg, Gabriele (2021)
2008Dynamic analysis overview and a proposed verification tool for temporal properties in security-critical softwareColombo, Christian
2008Dynamic event-based runtime monitoring of real-time and contextual propertiesColombo, Christian; Pace, Gordon J.; Schneider, Gerardo
2015Event detection using social sensorsDingli, Alexiei; Mercieca, Loui; Spina, Ronald; Galea, Marco
2014-11Event-based characterisation of temporal properties over system statesColombo, Christian; Pace, Gordon J.; Scicluna, Justine
2011A GPU-based survey for millisecond radio transients using ARTEMISArmour, W.; Karastergiou, A.; Giles, M.; Williams, C.; Magro, Alessio; Zagkouris, K.; Roberts, S.; Salvini, S.; Dulwich, F.; Mort, B.
2015GPU-powered coherent beamformingMagro, Alessio; Zarb Adami, Kristian; Hickish, Jack
2019A high-performance, flexible data acquisition library for radio instrumentsMagro, Alessio; Bugeja, Keith; Chiello, Riccardo; DeMarco, Andrea
2020Implementation of an electric guitar effects pedal on an FPGAGalea St. John, Peter
2014-11Improving Android security through real-time policy enforcementChircop, Luke; Colombo, Christian; Pace, Gordon J.
2015Improving runtime overheads for detectErCassar, Ian; Francalanza, Adrian; Said, Simon
2021Improving soft real-time systems in games by deadline constraintsCaruana, Etienne (2021)