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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
n.d.Alla venerata memoria del benemerito Dr Saverio Schembri rettore della regia UniversitàGli Studenti della Regia Universita'
2024Collaboration with VIVES University CollegeMizzi, Emanuel
2022Drivers and barriers of higher education engagement in digital action : case studies from Cyprus, France, Greece, Malta and UKMcNamara, Heather; Mifsud, Wendy; Attard, Maria
2020Economic development through clusters-understanding the idea of cooperation in the opinion of students : a case studyKlemens, Brygida
2012Globalisation, democracy and the HE marketMayo, Peter
2023Governance in the implementation of the UN sustainable development goals in higher education : global trendsLeal Filho, Walter; Rimi Abubakar, Ismaila; Mifsud, Mark C.; Paulino Pires Eustachio, João Henrique; Ferreira Albrecht, Clarissa; Alzira Pimenta Dinis, Maria; Borsari, Bruno; Sharifi, Ayyoob; Levesque, Vanessa R.; Cabral Ribeiro, Priscilla Cristina; Le Vasseur, Todd J.; Pace, Paul; Trevisan, Viera; Dibbern, Thais A.
2021Gramsci's writings on the common school and their relevance for universitiesMayo, Peter
2012Introducing activity-based costing at the University of MaltaXuereb, Riana
2013Kevin's and Indira's guide to getting into medical schoolAhern, Kevin; Rajagopal, Indira
1895La missione educatrice delle classi professionali : DiscorsoPullicino, G.
2022-04Minn Kampus Ghal Iehor S3 - 13 programmesXuereb, Karsten
2014Older men learning in the community : European snapshotsRadovan, Marko; Jelenc Krasovec, Sabina
2016Policy and implementation of undergraduate student learning assessment : a case analysis of University MShieh, Jin-Jy; Cefai, Carmel; Wang, Wenting
2010Sitt prietki mill-Arkivju tal-Università traskritti u analizzatiZerafa, Roberta (2010)
2021Towards to agile management control systems at the university : preliminary researchDobrowolski, Zbyslaw; Ledzianowski, Jozef; Dobrowolska, Monika
2008The University School of Design and patterns of academic artistic training in Early British MaltaSpiteri, Hilary (2008)
2014Video multicasting over a campus networkZammit, Aidan (2014)