Browsing by Subject Vatican Council (2nd : 1962-1965 : Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano)

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 68  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016B'tifkira għażiża P. Ermannu Mizzi ocd (1924-2016)Santwarju Santa Tereża (Birkirkara, Malta)
2022[Book review] Sandri Luigi Anno 2289 L’Ultimo ConclaveGrech, Michael
2005Bormla kif nafha jien : tifkiriet ta' tfuliti u drawwiet li spiċċawBonello, Joseph
2017Catechesis in Italy between the Two Vatican Councils - 1870-1962Sultana, Carl-Mario
2024The change in ecclesiology in Vatican Council II and Its influence on the liturgyZammit, Mark Joseph
2014The changing paradigm of the Church's pastoral mission in the working worldVella, Reuben (2014)
1971Charity in the teachings of Vatican IIMizzi, Mary (1971)
1977Christ's presence in communityCaruana Colombo, Anna (1977)
2017Dawl ġdid fuq il-knisja tal-konverżjoni tal-appostlu missierna San Pawl fil-Wied ta' BirkirkaraGauci, Mario
1980Dialogo tra marxismo e cristianesimoMondin, Battista
1971The dimensions of the ChurchVella, Marjorie (1971)
2017Discerning God’s willVella, Arthur G.
2004Elments of democracy in the Church : Vatican II and afterwardsPolidano, David
2017Evangelii Gaudium in the light of Vatican Council IIVella, Marco
1972Festi solenni li jsiru fil-parroċċa ta' l-Imqabba f'ġieħ Santa Marija, patruna tar-raħal : 30 ta' Lulju sat-22 ta' Awwissu, 1972 : ProgrammParish of the Assumption (Mqabba, Malta)
2000The Fourth Eucharistic Prayer : a general analysis of its structure and content to appreciate its ecclesiological meaningScerri, Hector
2022Fuq l-għetiebi tal-Konċilju Vatikan II, il-Knisja tas-Sittinijiet f’Malta : ħsibijiet Monsinjur Joe CarabottGrech, Sergio
2014Gorg Preca’s use of the bible prior to Vatican Council IISultana, Carl-Mario
2010The historical development leading to Sacrosanctum Concilium and its implementation in the Archdiocese of MaltaSultana, John Baptist (2010)
2010Id-domma tal-AssunzjoniCalleja, Mary Grace