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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020An analysis of short-term rental accommodations in MaltaCauchi, Christel (2020)
2012Beyond networked individualism and trivial pursuit : putting disruptive technologies to good useGrech, Alex
2017E-learning paradigms : a model to address known issuesMontebello, Matthew
2015The effect of a web 2.0-based interactive environment on the learning strategies of students taking intermediate PhysicsGrech, André
2013Ethical aspects of crowdsourcing, or is it a modern form of exploitationBusarovs, Aleksejs
2008Extending RDFHomepage : semantic Web meets Web 2.0Buttigieg, Andrew (2008)
2008-10Extending RDFHomepage : Semantic Web meets Web 2.0Buttigieg, Andrew; Abela, Charlie; Schwarz, Sven
2011GiftFinder : a Web 2.0 recommendation system using mobile technologiesMontebello, Matthew; Camilleri, Vanessa; Young, Lisa
2001Grey hat hacking web 2.0 applicationsAbela, James (2001)
2017The impact of Web 2.0 on hospitality : a case study on a boutique hotelCamilleri, Maria (2017)
2018Impacting networked technologies on teaching practicesCutajar, Maria; Montebello, Matthew
2017The influence of online tourist user-generated content on customers when choosing a holiday destinationMeli, Jessica
2009The influence of Web 2.0 applications on the consumer buying decision process when choosing their destinationAzzopardi, Francelle (2009)
2022Innovation processes and information technologies : a study of boutique hotels in Valletta, MaltaBuhagiar, Kristina; Pace, Lisa A.; Dingli, Sandra M.
2010Links to - a Web 2.0 system that utilises linked data principles to link related resources togetherMontebello, Matthew; Sacco, Owen
1995-11-26Marketing on the web : hooking the surfersCaruana, Albert
2009National destination marketing organisations and Web 2.0.Hamill, Jim; Stevenson, Alan; Castillo, Daniela
2012National DMOs and Web 2.0Hamill, Jim; Stevenson, Alan; Castillo, Daniela
2010Politics 2.0 : is 'open government' the way forward in modem democracies?Caruana, Ylenia (2010)
2011Tweetalyser : a Twitter based data mining system with recommendation capabilitiesMontebello, Matthew; Camilleri, Vanessa; Refalo, Maria