Browsing by Subject Welfare economics

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 28  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Analysis of welfare in IndonesiaBado, Basri; Alam, Syamsu; Atmaja, Vandy Eka; Saparuddin
2014Anticipated shock, monetary policy and welfare in the small open economyHasan, Rabia; Iftikhar, Syed Faizan
2016Are equity and inequality incompatible? A graphical responseBento Caleiro, António
1989A comparative measure of welfare among small countriesNissan, Edward; Caveny, Regina
1986A contribution to income distribution analysis in MaltaDelia, E. P.
2008Cost-benefit analysis – economic tool used to aid decision-making regarding the distribution of public fundsBuse, Lucian; Siminica, Marian; Circiumaru, Daniel
2017Design building of Indonesian economic politicsAziz, Suhandi
2024Economic efficiency as a factor of enterprise developmentMiciuła, Ireneusz; Bielawa, Anna; Król-Smetak, Dominika; Wojtaszek, Henryk; Kurylczyk, Apoloniusz; Romańczuk, Michał; Chojnacka, Małgorzata
2003Efficiency and factor reallocation effects and marginal excess burden of taxes in the UK economyBhattarai, Keshab
2011Exploring Malta's welfare modelBriguglio, Michael; Bugeja, Ian
2019Foreign trade and marketing processes in the context of sustainable developmentMalakhova, T. S.; Dubinina, M. A.; Maksaev, A. A.; Fomin, R. V.
2021Fuzzy technologies modeling the level of welfare of the population in the system of effective managementPryimak, Vasyl; Holubnyk, Olha; Ucieklak-Jez, Paulina; Kubicka, Joanna; Urbanska, Kamila; Babczuk, Arkadiusz
1999The impact of EU disability issues on MaltaBugeja, Joseph (1999)
2015Investigating social protection convergence in the EU-15 : a panel data analysisAthanasenas, Athanasios L.; Chapsa, Xanthippi; Michailidis, Athanasios
2021The methods of measuring the well-being at the level of local self-government communitiesPol, Malgorzata; Czaja, Stanislaw
2003Migration and capital accumulation in a labour-surplus economyGhatak, Subrata; Levine, Paul
2022National recovery and resilience plan : MaltaDebono, Manwel
2008Non-government organisations as welfare services providers in MaltaFenech, Glenn (2008)
2009The permanence of distinctiveness : performances and changing schooling governance in the Southern European welfare statesLandri, Paolo
2016The “quiet life” hypothesis : the efficiency cost of market power in the Maltese banking sectorCamilleri, Jonathan