Browsing by Subject Welfare state
Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1997 | Abstracts | Foundation for International Studies |
2007 | Avrupa Bírlíǧínde aíle polítíkalarli | Farrugia, Ruth; Abela, Angela |
2011 | The centrality of the state in Neoliberal times : Gramsci and beyond | Mayo, Peter |
1989 | A comparative measure of welfare among small countries | Nissan, Edward; Caveny, Regina |
1997 | Family rights and the crisis of the welfare state | Ando, Salvo |
2006 | Lectures 5 : program 8 | Works in Progress Seminars Series; Falzon, Mark Anthony |
1996 | Social democracy and development : the humanitarian and utilitarian aspects of workers' rights and participation | Jecchinis, Chris |
1990 | Synopsis of the plenary session | Wintersberger, Helmut |
2005 | Welfare policy reforms in contemporary Europe : the ideological shift in the European social democratic parties | Farrugia, Aaron (2005) |
1999 | The welfare state as a legal obligation | Ando, Salvo |