Browsing by Subject Wind energy conversion systems

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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Advances in wind energy technology : COST Action TU1304 WINERCOST : International Training School, Malta, 26th May-31st May 2015Baniotopoulos, Charalampos; Borri, Claudio; Blocken, Bert; Hassan, Hemida; Veljkovic, Milan; Morbiato, Tommaso; Borg, Ruben Paul; Huber, Stefanie E.; Efthymiou, Evangelos
2013-09Analysis of harmonics on a MRAS system used for sensorless control of a DFIGScicluna, Kris; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Apap, Maurice
2015Comparing the performance of two control strategies for a variable speed wind turbineBorg, Luke
2010-04Comparison of speed control strategies for maximum power tracking in a wind energy conversion systemZaragoza, Jordi; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Arias, Antoni; Pou, Josep; Robles, Eider; Ceballos, Salvador
2013Control of a doubly fed induction machine in a wind energy conversion systemScicluna, Kris; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Apap, Maurice
2010Control of doubly fed induction machine using a matrix converterSpiteri, Kenneth; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Apap, Maurice
1992The cyclical pitch vertical axis wind turbineBuhagiar, Ruben (1992)
1986The drag coefficient of windmill rotorsBetts, John Charles
2014The influence of structure dynamics on the energy yield characteristics of floating wind turbine rotorsCuschieri, Kurt (2014)
2016Investigation of supercapacitor energy storage for network integration of renewable energyBorg, Nicole
2013-07MRAS observers for doubly-fed induction machine in wind energy conversion systemsScicluna, Kris; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Apap, Maurice
2010-07Power control of doubly fed induction machine using a rotor side matrix converterSpiteri, Kenneth; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Apap, Maurice
2015Review of power converters for wind energy systemsSpiteri Staines, Cyril; Caruana, Cedric; Licari, John
2013Sensorless control of a matrix controlled variable speed DFIMScicluna, Kris (2013)
-Sensorless control of a Matrix controlled variable speed DFIMScicluna, Kris; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Apap, Maurice
2011Study and experimental verification of control tuning strategies in a variable speed wind energy conversion systemZaragoza, Jordi; Pou, Josep; Arias, Antoni; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Robles, Eider; Ceballos, Salvador