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Title: The performance of pension funds and their impact on economic growth in OECD countries
Authors: Grima, Simon
Morina, Fisnik
Keywords: Economic development -- OECD countries
Pension trusts -- OECD countries
Social security individual investment accounts
Capital market -- OECD countries
Inflation (Finance) -- OECD countries
Debts, Public
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: İzmir Kavram Meslek Yüksekokulu Yayınları
Citation: Grima, S., & Morina, F. (2020). The performance of pension funds and their impact on economic growth in OECD countries. IV. International Applied Social Sciences Congress, Online. 274.
Abstract: Purpose: This study aims to analyze the financial performance of pension funds and their impact on the economic growth of OECD countries. The research question of this study is: what impact do public and private pension funds have on the economic growth of OECD countries, taking into account the effect of market capitalization, inflation and public debt?
Methodology: For the implementation of empirical analysis in this study, we are based on secondary data published in the annual reports of the OECD, the World Bank and the IMF. To extract the empirical results are applied econometric models through statistical tests such as: linear regression, random effect, fixed effect. Hausman Taylor Regression, Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) and Generalized Method of Moments - Arellano - Bond Estimation (GMM). In addition to econometric models, other scientific research methods have been applied in this study, such as: historical methods, comparative methods and meta-analysis.
Findings: Based on the empirical results of this study, we can conclude that the assets of public and private pension funds have positively affected the economic growth of OECD countries (2002 - 2018).
Practical implications: This study provides an overview of the functioning of pension systems in OECD countries as well as the effects of these pension funds on the economic growth of these countries. This research will also generate additional and necessary new knowledge for governments and policymakers in these countries, not to mention the possibility of becoming a good source of information for all employees, whether public or private. how their quality and standard of living will be after retirement.
Originality: The study was conducted with secondary data and all empirical analyzes are original and based on the calculations of the authors through econometric models and other research methods.
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacEMAIns

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