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Title: The future is uncertain : foresight for business model innovation
Authors: Dingli, Sandra M.
Baldacchino, Leonie
Keywords: Business enterprises -- Technological innovations
Business -- Technological innovations
Creative ability
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Business Model Society
Citation: Dingli, S. M., & Baldacchino, L. (2022). The future is uncertain: Foresight for business model innovation. Business Model Conference (Lille, France).
Abstract: This conceptual paper proposes a model that allows for the consideration of future possibilities related to the Business Model Canvas (BMC). It incorporates PESTEL as a tool to identify and assess issues in the BMC, according to their future implications. It then proposes two creativity tools, the APC (Alternatives, Possibilities, Choices) to think of all possible future alternatives, and the C&S (Consequence and Sequel) to consider future consequences. The model allows for a holistic view of issues and future possibilities that allow for increased competitivity, sustainability and profitability. The BMC is adopted as a spring board leading to BMI. Blocked cognitive mental models are replaced with imagination, agility and inspiration. This paper is the first to propose a simple model incorporating PESTEL and creativity tools to enable organisations to conduct foresight activities to assess and design their future, leading towards BMI.
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