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Title: How effective are career guidance practices on low achieving students in preparing for the world of work?
Authors: Xerri, Stephanie (2008)
Keywords: Career development -- Malta
Continuing education -- Malta
Educational counseling -- Malta
Issue Date: 2008
Citation: Xerri, S. (2008). How effective are career guidance practices on low achieving students in preparing for the world of work? (Postgraduate Diploma).
Abstract: The number of school-leaving students with low skills and who find themselves on the margins of the labour market has not decreased substantially over the past few years. In order to facilitate learning for these students, the National Minimum Curriculum is being followed and adapted to the student's individual needs. Research has shown that, by the careful planning of Career Education and Lifelong Education Programs, the aim of ultimately preparing students for the life of work can be achieved. Employment and growth are major determinants of a healthy economy and education is one of the primary agencies through which skills needed for the employability of students can be acquired. Effective transition programs play an important role in this process. The objective of this research is to present a picture of the situation in Malta with regards career guidance as perceived by school-leaving students who are at risk of finding themselves on the fringes of the labour market. The existence of ongoing career education and transition programs in secondary schools is questioned. The link between schools and labour market proved to be an issue with the students as well as the way schools are preparing them for future employment. The research design is based on qualitative methodology where data was collected from interviews and focus groups. The sample was composed of five focus groups made up of around ten to fourteen students in each group, who have all reached their last few months of compulsory education in the same school, two interviews with guidance teachers in the said school, an interview with the headmaster, and interviews with a teacher at Mcast who teaches Foundation level and the person in charge of the ETC in Gozo. The outcomes from this research primarily establish whether effective career guidance programs aimed at such students are being implemented within schools and also forward recommendations aimed at improving the system.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - CenLS - 1996-2014

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