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Title: Back to work : ways in which career guidance services can support young mothers in their transition back into the labour market
Authors: Fenech, Emasyl (2013)
Keywords: Career development
Mothers -- Employment -- Malta
Issue Date: 2013
Citation: Fenech, E. (2013). Back to work : ways in which career guidance services can support young mothers in their transition back into the labour market (Postgraduate Diploma).
Abstract: In Malta, there is a considerable amount of women who are not active in the labour market (51%). Most women leave the Labour Market and become inactive due to their caring and family responsibilities. Whilst older women seem less willing to return to the Labour Market, one in every 4 women in the 15-34 year age bracket are unhappy with their inactive status and 84% of inactive women, who are under 35 years of age, are interested in finding a job (National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE), 2013). The aim of this qualitative study is to identify ways in which Career Guidance can support them to return to paid work. Eight in-depth interviews were held with mothers aged between 26 and 36 years, who are currently out of the Labour Market and the findings were analysed on the principles of Grounded Theory (Rubin & Babbie, 2005) The findings show that the majority of participants left employment because of their caring responsibilities and all participants mentioned that they would like to return to work. In spite of being interested to return to employment their motherhood role is given priority over paid work. In fact they seem willing to do so on the premise that the work they choose leaves them enough time to be with their children and to see to their needs. The finding shows that career guidance services arc required to support mothers in their que5t to return to the Labour Market and these need to reflect the needs and values of the mothers in order to be effective.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - CenLS - 1996-2014

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